Chapter 52: Trapped

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Tris POV


That's my first thought while waking up. My body hurts like crap.

My eyes start adjusting to the poor light. But still, all I can see are shades. 

I don't see to find any doors, obviously not windows either. But I know there's a door. There has to be.

I focus on my hearing. But nothing. I think this room may even be soundproof, because I can't even hear birds chirping or a single voice. And I can't be on a basement because I don't hear or feel any movement on top of me. 

I can't sense any smell either.

Where the hell am I?

I walk around the room for a bit, but my body hurts so much I have to sit back on the floor.

There is no furniture at all and the place is so cold.

I try to understand the situation.

I'm on this unknown place, probably soundproof, because I have been kidnapped. 

Then there are the W's cuestions.

Where? I was at my appartment.

When? Today, really early in the morning.

Who? Molly

How? She got into my appartment somehow, knocked Chris and then we fought. The last thing I remember is Molly saying "not this time, stiff" and then I was out.

Why? Not a single clue.

But how did she knew where I live and that just that night I was with Christina and not Tobias?


We haven't fought in a while, and I really like it that way better. 

I feel so stupid for fighting, can't even remember what it was about...Wait! I do! We were talking about telling or not telling them about Molly.

It feels silly. Yesterday, I was fighting with my fiancee and just a couple hours later, I'm been kidnapped.

Even through I try not to think about him, I can't help it. I miss him so much, I just want this to be over with so I can be with him.

Why they want me for anyway? Are they going to make me do something for them? 

If they wanted to kill me, they would have while I was knocked out, right? Why waiting?

And why do I keep saying they when I know is her. Molly.

I wish the damn door will open, but I can't even find it.

I'm useless right now.

I don't know how long I have been here. Is imposible to know the time without light, clock, or anything. I would think when I'm sleepy is night but it seems like I'm always tired. When I wake up sometimes there's something to eat and water. I tried not to sleep, so I can see where the food cames from, but it never comes when I'm awake.

And the portions are very little, like they-, no. She. Like she, just  gives me the necesary to survive.

I feel like it has been weeks, but probably it haven't been more than three days.

Why keep me here without any purpuose? 

My body is better, it still hurts, but nothing I can't handle.

I still haven't found the door. But my best guess is that there's a trap door on the ceiling, it's the perfect explanation, that will also explain why the foos is given to me on a paper bag. Maybe she goes down through a rope or has a ladder, leaves the food and goes up, that's why I have to be asleep. And for her to know I'm sleeping, it means there are cameras. 

Today I'm trying to make her think I'm sleeping, so when she cames down to leave the food, I'll fight  her and get away.

I'm sure I can take her. Let see how it goes.


Hey guys!

How are the best readers?

I think I am going to start making the cuestion of the week thing, so, what's your favorite band or singer?

Mine is 5sos <3

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