Chapter 61: Getting Ready

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Tobias POV

Finally it's time to show the results.

Jacob turns on the screen for everyone to see the results.

The initiates hug, scream and kiss. The ones that didn't make it are just staring at the screen. Or leave angry/depressed.

This are the results:
1. Josh
2. Violet
3. James
4. Sam
5. Makenzie
6. Diana
7. Kyle
8. Jennifer
9. Andrew
10. Lucas
Which means Jacey, Paul, Miranda, Andrew and Alexander are out.
I remember happy I was last year when they showed the results and Tris was ranked first, just like I was.
She won over Peter, like I won over Eric.
I look for her on the crowd. She's sitting on her wheel chair next to Jennifer, who's kissing Lauren's brother. She looks awkward but happy. I knew she liked Jennifer and Josh. Once they break apart, Tris hugs them both, and I'm distracted by Kyle who's walking towards me.

"Thank you for everything, Four," Kyle says. 

It's my job, it's unconfortable when people thank me for it. They are paying me for it! What am I supposed to say? Your welcome? 
"Congratulations Kyle, you're one of us now," I say ignoring what he told me.

He nods prodly and leaves.
I look for Tris again but now she's with Makenzie and Lucas. 
I want to get her and take her home. But I can't right now. I have to stay here with the other Dauntless leaders for a while.
 Finally, I'm able to leave, so after finding Tris, we go home.

"I'm so proud of our initiates, I'm going to miss it," Tris comments as we get inside our appatment.

"I know, but we'll get more next year, so don't worry. And you're still going to see them aroud, except the ones who didn't make it, obviously."
She smiles kindly and grabs the back of my neck, pulling me in for a kiss.
"I love you Tobias Eaton," she whispers.
"I love you too, Beatrice Prior."

* * *

One Day before the Wedding ❤️

Just as I open my eyes to look at my beautiful fiancee, who's looking at me too with lazy eyes, Christina bursts into the room.

"Enough! It's time you two get separated! Take a good look at each other you aren't going to see each other until we are walking down the ailse tommorrow! Tris, you are coming with me and Shauna; Four, you stay here with Uriah and Zeke," she comands, "Let's go!"

Christina pulls Tris -who gladly has clothes on- out of the bed and takes her away. 24 hours without Tris, starting now.
I get up and go to the kitchen for food. Zeke and Uri are here already. I shouldn't have let Tris give Christina a key for our appartment.

"Man! Last. Day. As a single man!" Zeke says before patting my back.

I sigh, I can;t believe how fast it has been, I feel like I proposed last week, not two months ago.

"What're the plans?" Uriah asks.

"We, are going to get drunk crazy tonight!", Zeke yells.

"No," Uriah and I say at the same time.

"What?! Why not? Didn't you heard me? It's your last day as single men, pansycakes!"

"We aren't getting married with hangover," I say.

"Yeah bro, it's a terrible idea," Uri agrees.

"When did you two became so boring? You suck."

"I mean, we can go out, have a few drinks, as long as we don't lose control, it's fine, right Four?" Uriah says.

"Yeah, I think it'll be fine, as long as we control," I finally say.

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