Chapter 16: Drunk Love

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Tris POV

They notice me. I hope they aren't mad because of me recording them.
I am ready to hear the screams but instead...

"Trissi Pooo!! I miss you babe!" He runs to me and hugs me.
I am shock, then I hug him back a little confused.

"TrissiDisii!" Zeke says hugging me too. We are in a weird group hug.

They are drunk but in the playfull state, in other words: kids.

"Hey guys!" I say softly trying to get free from their embrace. "I'm sorry, but it's late, so I have to take To-Four home."

They make pouts.

"But I promise I will bring him back tomorrow, okay?" I say in a sweet softly voice.

"Okay!" They hug each other.

Then I take Tobias wrist and take him home. He sings on the way home.
I don't know this song but it includes the sentence "Cuz I'm a gummy bear" a lot.

We get home and Tobias goes jumping into the room. I laugh, he looks so stupid acting like a little kid. And I follow him inside. He's already in pjs, but normally he sleeps with just some sweat shorts, so he's shirtless. But now he has put a shirt on.
After I change my clothes, I am on my way to the bed when Tobias speaks.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing?"

"Going to sleep...?" I say really confused.

"This is MY bed! Not yours! Mine!"

You gotta be fucking kidding me. Really? I mean, REALLY?!

"Not Tobias, this is OUR bed, mine and yours, ours."
Now he looks confused.

"I am not sleeping with a girl!" He screams.

I am getting really tired of this states of his drunkness. And I don't think I can support this childish voice his making everytime he speaks!

"Then, go sleep in the couch."

"No! I don't want to!" He starts sobbing.

Ugh I can't take this anymore!

"Fine! I'll go sleep in the couch! Now shut up and sleep!" I say leaving and slaming the door.

- - - - -

Tobias POV

Ew! This crazy girl wants to sleep in the same bed that I do! Girls are grose!
She finally has left, so now I can sleep.


I wake up with a headache. I turn around but Tris isn't here. Where is she? It takes me a while but finally I got up. I notice I am with a shirt, okay, that's weird. I am on my way to the kitchen when I see Tris sleeping on the couch.

I look at her, really confused.
I carefully put one arm under her knees and the other on her back and carry her to our bed.
Why would she sleep on the couch?
I make breakfast for both of us and take a quick shower. I get out only with my towel, Tris is still sleeping. I change and wait for her to wake up, so we can have breakfast together. There is no way I am going to work with this headache.

To: Cara
Cara, I have a terrible headache. I'm skipping work today.

From: Cara
Okay. Get well soon!

To: Cara
I will, thanks.

I decide to lay down on the bed until Tris wakes up.
After some minutes she opens her eyes.

"Good morning sunshine" I sweetly whisper in her ear.

"Shut up." she close her eyes again and turns around so I'm facing her back.

"Whats wrong? What did I do?"

She turns around in disbelieve "Ugh! Of course you don't remember! You were so fucking drunk!"

Me? Drunk? Ooohh that's why I don't remember anything of what I did after I went to Zeke's after eating cake.
It's a hungover, not a headache.
But why could I have do for Tris to be so angry?
I try to remember but I can't.

"I'm sorry Tris, I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry." I say wraping my arms around her waist.

"You can't be sorry if you don't know what you did!" She says pulling my arms away.

"Tell me then, what did I did?" I say hurt because she pulled away.

She turns around to face me. "When I found you, you were singing with Zeke, that's okay, it was funny. I bring you home, because I prefer you sleeping here, even more when you are drunk, so I can keep an eye on you. Anyway, summarizing, you were acting childish and didn't let me sleep in the bed. And you KNOW I get angry when I don't sleep well."

I try not to laugh. I though I have done something terrible, like kiss someone else or I don't know, something. I just didn't let her sleep well.

"I'm sorry babe, I shouldn't got drunk, I'm really sorry. I love you."

She looks defeated. "Ugh!" She says before kissing me. But pulls away fast.
"Why are you adorable?! I can't be mad with you for long!"

I laugh and kiss her again.

"Can I ask? What was my excuse for not letting you sleep here?"

"You said you weren't sleeping with a girl." She says rolling her eyes.

I laugh. And she hits my chest softly. I kiss her again.
Then she pulls away alarmed.

"You are late! For work!"

I laugh and she looks really confused.

"I'm not working today. I got a hangover."

"Well I am, so I better get a shower." She says starting to sit on the bed but I pull her back.

"BUT you don't have to work until after lunch, so you can stay with me meanwhile."

"BUT, maybe I don't want to" she says putting her hands on the back of my neck.

"Then I'll have to force you!" I say tickling her.

She starts laughing like crazy and we start running around the appartment, me trying to get her so I can tickle her. She, so I don't get her.

After a while I got her and put her on my shoulder she start kicking and shouting and laughing "Let me go! Pansycake!"
I put her on the couch and sit on top of her. Looking at her eyes I say all serious "I'll never let you go".
And I kiss her.


Aw Fourtris time!

I don't think I'll be able to update on Sunday, cuz my sis is arriving from a long trip, so I'll probably hang out with her all day.

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I have 950 reads! It's insane!!!

Thanks you SO much!!!

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Lov you 😘

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