Chapter 19: Damn You, Uriah!

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Tobias POV

Uriah and I are going to look for a ring tonight. I hate Zeke for telling Uriah to ask me to help him get the ring for Cris.

I don't like shopping! Anyway I accepted because he's my friend and I wouldn't have been able to do it alone either.

I have to tell Tris I'm going to get home late, so she doesn't worry. I decide to text her.

To: Tris

Gonna get late tonight

From: Tris


I can't tell her, she could tell Cristina. But I don't want to lie to her either.

To: Tris

Going shopping with Uriah 😒

I am not lying and I am not telling her Uriah's surprise.

From: Tris


After some more hours I leave to Uriah's appartment.

I knock once and he quickly opens.

"Four!" He says hugging me...

"Uri...?" He still doesn't let go "Let me free!" He lets me free and we head to the jewerly shop.

"How did did you do it?" Uri asks me while walking.

"I don't know. I just asked her. I just kneel and asked her."

"Weren't you nervous?"

"Of course I was nervous! But I just started thinking of...of how badly I wanted her to be mine, of everything we have been trough, of everything that is about to come, and how I wanted her to be part not only of my past and present, also of my future, how I wanted to wake up everyday beside her, how I love to make her smile, how she brings out to best of me, how she makes me feel, how badly I am in love with her."

It may have sounded a little to cheesy but I think it did calm him.

I am sure he is going to laugh but he doesn't.

"Thanks bro" he says looking at me and smiling gratefully.

I nod and we enter to the shop.

- - - -

Tris POV

After shopping for hours, eating and working I finally get home.

Tobias told me he was going shopping with Uri so I have some time for myself.

First I hang my new dress in the closet, I am really unsure about this dress, but Cris made me buy it anyway. It's dark blue, it only has one sleeve, and the sleeve is short. It gets to my midtight. And I was also force to buy some black high heels. I put those in the closet too.

Then I make some popcorn and sit on the couch and watch My sister's keeper. Shit! That movie knows how to make people cry!

The movie is about to finish and I am crying madly when Tobias enters laughing with Uriah.

Fuck fuck fuck. They can't see me like this! I don't mind Tobias but Uriah will tell everyone! I quickly turn off the tv and run to my room.

They hear the door close. Shit!

"Tris?" Tobias asks.

I have to make sure my voice doesn't sound shaky, I have to speak carefully.

"Uh?" Okay, it sounded okay.

"Why did you run to hide?" Uri asks laughing.

Fuck. Think Tris, THINK! An excuse....ah....Damn you Uriah!

"I-I...I couldn't let you see me like this" I split out.

"Why...?" Uriah asks.

Come on Tobias! Help me out! Ugh.

Instead of helping me he just asks "Tris?"

"Because...because..." Come on Tris! Think! "I'm naked"

I face palm myself. Really Tris? Naked? Even a Candor would have do it better.

I can feel the awkardness outside the door.

"Okay..." Tobias says breaking the silence. "Come on Uriah, let's go to the kitchen.

I hear them leave the hall and I sign. I go to the bathroom and wash my face, which is red now from crying so much.

I hear Tobias going into the room.



"Uri already left, you can come out"

I go out and find a disapointed Tobias. Did he really believe it? Wow. I actually thought he knew me more.

Then he starts to laugh. What?

"For a second I actually bought it"

I don't know what to say so I just join his laugher.

"Did Uriah bough it?"

"Yeah, he even apologized for "ruining the moment"" hey says laughing more.

I laugh even more with that.

"So for those seconds when you actually believe it, what did you though?" I say once we calm down.

"I though: damn you, Uriah! Why did I let you come?!"

We both laugh and then I realize he doesn't have any bags.

"Hey, you don't have any bags! What did you buy?"

"Oh no, I didn't get to buy anything"

"Ow. And what did you wanted to get?"

He thinks about it for some seconds before awnsering.

"Nothing important, some new shirts, because someone uses mine!" He says tickling me.

I laugh. "You know you love for me" I say laying on the bed, ready to sleep.

"I do, but for other reasons" he says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest.

"I love you" I say before falling asleep.


Short chapter, but it's better than anything.

I wasn't "inspired" today so don't judge!

Thanks for the reads!!!

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