Dance Class

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Jimin has two dance classes today, and he hates it.

Don't get him wrong, he loves dance and he's the best at it amongst his peers. He just hates that he shares his dance classes with an arrogant show-off who loves to criticize his every move. 

"What are you looking at" he huffed.

"You've been trying that combo for ages and still can't get it right" Jungkook snorted.

"Excuse you, I did it perfectly" Jimin disagreed.

"Your body should be going like this" He said while doing the movements slowly.

"Well personally, I want to do it like this" he said, repeating his version of the dance.

"We don't care about your personal preferences here" he said rolling his eyes, and not long after that, the teacher interrupted their banter.

"Park, I like how you connected the wave with the slide, show the class. Everybody look over here!" he called the rest of the students, missing Jimin's triumphant expression.

"Apparently, we do" he replied to Jungkook, walking to the center of the room and getting everyone's attention. The taller found himself reluctantly following the shorter's improvised choreography while mumbling more critiques under his breath.

The second dance class was Urban, however its teacher is exceptionally odd; with him, absurdity is the rule. He would often create games or announce challenges in the middle of class, or even punishments-- some crazier than others.

They started warming up, stretching their limbs as they always did, and of course Jeon Jungkook took the opportunity to slap him with his extended arm again this time.

"I'm sorry, would this be your second or third slap today?" he asked, trying to hold a laugh.


"It was an accident" he defended, pretending to be offended.

"Why don't you scoot away then? You're a terrible liar" 

"I'm not lying" Jungkook shrugged.

"Yeah?" Jimin raised a brow before spreading his arm and hitting the taller with the back of his hand to settle scores. "Sorry, it was an accident" he huffed, and soon this turned into a childish fight between the two, intentionally hitting one another until they both felt a smack on their necks.

"What do I say about morning silence?" the teacher said with a stiff smile.

"I'm sorry sir, but he's been pestering me all day" Jungkook pinned on his rival.

"What? I want nothing to do with you, you're the one-"

"Stop it" the man interrupted. 

He looks annoyed, Jimin thought. The unpredictable teacher was not the right person to test the patience of, and now they had to wait and see what's in store for them.

Since coming to this school they've witnessed their fair share of weird detention tasks and punishments, ranging from sweeping the floors, to rapping verses while performing a delicate contemporary routine in basketball uniform sets.

"One of you is getting kicked out the class" he  and both looked at each other accusingly. 

"I didn't do anything sir he slapped me first" Jimin replied, clearly dismayed. 

"I said it was an accident but he-" 

"Why don't we all decide who gets kicked out!" he announced to the rest of the students who were just getting done warming up. "Since you were quarrelling like children at the crack of dawn"

"It's almost noon-"

"I suggest a challenge. This is a dance class after all so let's make the most of it and try to learn something" he raised his brows while looking at the other students for agreement.

"I challenge each of you two to freestyle to the music I will play, and remember I want to see refinement, I want to see passion. The best dancer stays" The teacher said and Jungkook sighed. That's not so bad, he didn't know what to expect but it surely could've be much worse.

"Fine by me, I'll win anyway" Jimin shrugged. 

"Well if you're so confident we'll save the best for last" the teacher suggested.

"Don't mind if I sit, then" Jimin said as he pulled a chair over.

"Jeon you'll start, don't be afraid to face Park head on" the man stated.

"What do you mean sir?"

"This is a challenge, a dance battle if you may, you have to look him in the eye" he explained and all of sudden, the idea of dancing in front of Jimin stressed Jungkook out a bit.

"Can I go second?" he asked, nervously looking at the other boy sitting in the chair a few feet away.

"Oh organize yourselves I don't care" the man shook his head and walked to the computer where he would be choosing the music. 

"Park get up quick" Jungkook urged when the teacher walked away.


"The teacher said I'll go second instead" he lied. 

"Funny, I didn't hear that" Jimin scoffed.

"What's it to you, you don't even mind going first" Jungkook complained. 

"Yeah but since it seems to be a problem for you..." he smirked.

"Come on man hurry up let's not make it worse for ourselves" Jungkook rolled his eyes. 

"Why are you always ordering me around like that" the shorter huffed in annoyance.

"Maybe you're all talk, maybe you're actually not confident at all about winning this" Jungkook tempted. 



"I know what you're doing Jeon" Jimin pursed his lips, "And you know what? I don't care. Fine, sit like a good dog" he added before standing and freeing the chair. He ignored Jungkook scowl and twisted his wrists a few times in preparation. 

"Alright, the music is ready" the teacher said, silencing the other student who didn't even seem to care and rather used this as a break.

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