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Jungkook was sitting at his usual table, reading one of his books and sipping on his coffee with a chocolate and vanilla muffin on the side.

It's been a few days since Jungkook first met Jimin at the cafe, and the elder was always the one to serve his order. They chat a little, bicker sometimes, then Jimin goes back to work, leaving Jungkook to his studies. And today was no exception.

"So what do you wanna do after highschool?" Jimin asked and Jungkook looked up from the pages.

"I want to go to college, do something I enjoy"

"So maybe I will be seeing you again for 4 other years" Jimin commented, intentionally sounding extra annoyed about it.

"Why is that?"

"Aren't you talking about SITA?"

"Oh Arts? No"

Jimin was confused for a moment but when he looked at Jungkook's books, he put two and two together. For somebody who was so good at what he did, it seemed almost impossible for him to want to pursue another vocation.

"Wow. Who would've thought" he said in surprise as Jungkook smiled sheepishly and scratched his neck .

"Yeah I'm not doing arts for 4 more years, it's just not something I'm interested in" he explained.

"Really. Then why are you enrolled in this high school?" he asked, realizing that he touched a nerve when Jungkook's expression dropped slightly.

The younger didn't know if he should actually tell Jimin the truth, because he will reveal most of his past with it and he didn't know whether to trust him with that baggage, but he did so anyway.

" It's my father's choice, I never wanted to pursue a career in arts but he wants me to beca-use..." Jungkook's voice broke mid-word so he took a moment to level his emotions again. 

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it" he tried to reassure but Jungkook shook his head and continued.

"Because my late mother was an artist, and he wants me to be like her... But I don't want to" he nodded to himself.

The revelation hit Jimin like a bus. Jungkook's father was also forcing his hand into a life he didn't want to have, it must've been hard to live with those expectations. Not only would he be going against his father's will but also not honoring his mother, however unfair that may sound, it was surely a heavy weight to bare.

"Jungkook stand up" he said after rounding the table to his side, and one the said boy did so, he pulled him into an understanding hug then buried his face in his neck. They stood that way for a few minutes, basking in each other's comforting hold.

In all honesty, neither of them wanted to let go, but they had to eventually. When they parted away it was clear that the hug only made matters worse, pushing Jungkook to think about his decisions all over again, so Jimin thought of something to cheer the boy up. 

"What are we going Jimin?" Jungkook asked. They left the cafe together at the end of Jimin's shift and were now walking to an unknown direction.

"Just follow me" he smiled and kept on until finding themselves in front of an arcade.

"Are you serious?" Jungkook chuckled.

"I'm just trying to help, and you looked like you needed it"

"I appreciate it, shall we?" Jungkook said and took Jimin's hand in his, before heading inside. 

It is needless to say that Jimin lost nearly every game, but he didn't mind, he knew he was bad a those and he just wanted to bring Jungkook's mood up. Now, they were walking in the dark streets, making their way back to their houses. They found out that they only lived one block away from each other, so Jungkook decided to walk him home.

"I want to thank you for tonight, it was very nice of you" Jungkook smiled.

"You would've done the same for me, I think" he replied, though not too sure of his statement.

"You're right... Jimin that time you asked me why I'm being like this with you, right? " he asked and the other nodded.

Jungkook thought about this moment ever since they left the arcades and now it was finally time for it to happen. He reached for his cheek with one hand, then held his waist with the other, then leaned in to capture his lips.

While the shorter should be shocked about the kiss, he was more surprised by how much he enjoyed it at that moment, he closed his eyes to lose himself in the moment and opened them again when he couldn't feel him anymore.

"I actually like you, I wasn't lying" he said and smiled.

"Uh-" Jimin was at a loss of words.

"You don't have to say anything now, I just wanted you to know how I feel... Goodnight" he last said and turned on his heels, leaving the stunned boy with a hammering heart behind.

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