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Jungkook went back home very tired after this hectic day. He just wanted to take a shower, eat then sleep. Nothing more.

He took his time under the hot water as he found it so calming, it always found away to wash away all his worries and clear his mind lighter. It has always been his favorite moment of the day. After coming out and preparing his dinner, he saw his father in the living room.

"Hey son, how was school?"

"Boring." He's not drunk? That's a first...

"What did you learn?"

"Nothing." That I'm stuck with Park until the end of this year.

"Did you do something new?"

"Look dad, I don't wanna talk at all right now, so if you could please just let me eat and go sleep okay?"

"Why are you like this?"

"Like what"

"You never want to talk to me about your day. Is that so much to ask? It's the school you've always wanted but you're never excited about it" the man said with his eyebrows kit his concern.

"That's not true. I'm just trying to graduate and finally get to do something I like with my life"

"About that... I set you up for the best art college here in Seoul! Isn't that great?" his dad said, making Jungkook turn his way.


"I'm already saving to be able to pay your tuition" he clapped excitedly.

"But you said I could do what I wanted after high school" Jungkook stated.

"You're doing so well in arts though, your mom would be so proud" he insisted, mentioning his mother again.

"I already spent two years and some change in mom's old school, but that's it. Don't you understand? I don't love it as much as you think I do dad" he tried to reason, sitting across from the man and looking him in the eyes.

"Your grades are excellent"

"I'm just competitive really... You and mom were great artists but I want to do other things with my life"

"Remember when she used to hold you at her hip as she painted? You said you wanted to paint just like her when you grow up-"

"Stop it dad" he interrupted, "You always do this, and I fell for it many times but not anymore" he shook his head, "Don't make me feel guilty about deciding my life for myself please" he added assertively.

"Jungkookie, have a little reason. It would break my heart-"

"Dad! Don't say things like that" he furrowed his brows, the guilt building up in his chest. 

"We'll talk about this later... Now let's eat"

Just like that Jungkook went to his room with teary eyes and tucked himself in bed. He clutched the blankets closer and hid his face in the pillows. He just had it so bad today.

First, he went to school which is already bad enough, then he found out he had to team up with Park Jimin which meant he has to double the efforts if he wants to graduate with the scores he wanted. And now he was told that even after going through these three years, his father was still not happy enough with him. 

He did want to live up to his mother memory in her old school and tried to be the best in his class, but he just wasn't passionate about any of it. He respects the craft since he came to know how hard people work to excel at it, but he would rather be putting all that effort in his own interest.

His mother lived already, maybe not long enough, but she already had her youth for herself. Was it so bad for Jungkook to want the same?

He didn't sleep one bit .

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