Favorite Crime

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Three days passed and the two boys didn't spare each other a word. It mostly goes for Jungkook, since the other had tried a conversation here and there but with no avail.

They were now in singing class and Jimin saw the younger scribbling something, he wondered if it was for the final examinations. He tried to take a peek but Jungkook shut his notebook shortly, not allowing him to catch anything.

"Can I see?"

"No" he said and asked to leave the classroom. 

Jimin looked down at his desk and sighed, this was going to take some time. A week passed fast, and today he found himself in his bed, feeling sick and horrible.

"What's wrong Jimin? Why won't you get out of bed?" Taehyung said and Jimin shrugged.

"I don't know, my head hurts... I feel dead" he said and buried his face in the blankets. 

How he wished Jungkook was with him then, to cuddle him until he feels better, or just give him a kiss on the forehead to ease the pain.

"Guys can you call Jungkook for me? Tell him we have to work on our project today" he said and the two boys looked at him skeptically.

"I thought you said you felt dead" Namjoon pointed out and the boy rolled his eyes.

"Just do it"

Jungkook was laying on his bed, listening to music and humming the melodies from time to time. Suddenly, he stopped as a memory flashed in his mind. He was with Jimin, in that same house and on that same bed, telling each other stories, spending quality time together. His head was on Jimin's stomach as they were laying in an "L" shape, Jimin's hand was playing with his hair while Jungkook told him about his wishes to have a younger sibling.

"You enjoy playing with kids?" Jimin smiled.

"I do... And I think my baby brother or sister would've been the cutest. It's in the family's genes" he said and chuckled.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Jimin denied.

"Hey, you've never seen my childhood pictures" 

"But then you grew up kinda ugly" he teased.

"Take it back" Jungkook warned.

"Fine, you're not ugly" Jimin giggled.

He sighed heavily and hugged the pillow next to him then buried his face into it. Suddenly, a ringtone caught his attention. He sat up and reached for his phone then checked the caller's ID and groaned.

"Is he going to lecture me or something?" he mumbled while sliding the green icon.

"Hi hyung"

"Morning Jungkook, I called to tell you that Jimin wants to work on the project"

"Why didn't he call me himself then?" he said and it was silent for a few seconds, except maybe the soft mumbling on the other side, and Namjoon was back again.

"You wouldn't have picked up" he replied and Jungkook mentally agreed.

"So you're with him now?"

"Tae is here too, but we're leaving in a bit. Can you come over to his place?

"Sure I guess" he last said and hung up. Jungkook rubbed his face and changed into outdoor clothes, picked up his notebook and walked out the door.

Once there, it only took a few seconds for Taehyung to appear while a confused face.

"You sure weren't excited to come here... Did something happen?"


"You took half an hour while normally you take like... No time" he deadpanned and Jungkook rolled his eyes and stepped in.

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