Mutual Rewards

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"What happened with these two?" Jin muttered.

"No idea" Hoseok replied.

"Now carry my books all the way to my class" jimin demanded.

"Jimin... We don't have books" Jungkook said while sulking.

"Then carry me, come on, crouch down so I can get on your back "

Jungkook rolled his eyes and kneeled down. They were at school and today was Jimin's day to order him around as promised. He's been asking for ridiculous things ever since they saw each other that morning and Jungkook couldn't do anything about it if he wanted his own part of the deal.

"My loyal little horse" Jimin said and slapped his head while holding onto his neck with his other arm.

"Why don't you ride this horse then?" the other replied and earned another smack.

"Bad horse. You've flopped to donkey now. Move donkey and shut the fuck up" he huffed.

They finally arrived to vocal class and Jungkook was already breathless since Jimin didn't make it easy by fussing around and making Jungkook lose his balance, only to get slapped for it. Abuse at its finest.

"Jungkook go get me a bottle of water, the teacher didn't arrive yet"

"What? It's all the way back in the cafeteria" he complained.

"Okay? Go, make it fresh and strawberry"

Jungkook groaned in annoyance and ran to the cafeteria because there was no way he would make it in time by walk. When he finally got there, they had ran out of strawberry flavored water, so he picked the lemon one and prepared himself to not hear the end of it.

As he entered class, he was panting, his legs were heavy and everyone was looking at him, including the teacher.

"Mr.Jeon, your classmate told me you dashed out because you hate my class" she said with a scolding tone.

"I never said that" he defended.

"Why would Mr.Park lie to me" she defied.

Jungkook glared at the said boy, who just shrugged it off innocently. He walked over to him and threw the bottle to his chest.

"Here's your water"

"Hm? Not thirsty" he waved him off.

Jungkook stood scandalized and crossed his arms against his chest with an expectant expression on his face.

"Alright I'm sorry" Jimin apologized.

"It's okay" he said with a small smile.

"Do you think you can bag that girl in the corner? I would like to see you try" he said and Jungkook's smile flattened.

"You're a menace Park Jimin. She looks like she's minding her business I don't want to disturb her"

"Oh I'm sure she wouldn't mind" the shorter replied and shooed him away before starting to scroll on his phone. Jungkook sighed and discreetly walked to the girl, he poked her shoulder to get her attention.

"Jeon? Do you want anything?" she asked curiously.

"I really don't wanna do this you see but Park dared me to flirt with you. I don't want to lead you on into anything" he informed to avoid any misunderstanding.

"What's funny?" he asked when she chuckled.

"You guys are cute"

"Yeah that's what I keep saying" he agreed.

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