part 2

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They were both looking into each other in the eyes, desperately trying to read into the situation, but Jungkook was all about the teasing. He was close enough to lock lips with the other, but he decided not to make the first step. He played push and pull, tilting his face to nearer then pulling away slightly, and again, and again.

Though Jimin was growing sick of that, so he slid his hand around Jungkook's neck and pulled him once and for all.

Their lips moved in sync, sucking and nipping involved as they hungrily smothered one another. Jimin didn't know why, but he felt his heart burn by the second, and it was surely not better when Jungkook trailed down his jaw and neck .

The younger licked all the way up Jimin's jawline and kissed a spot behind the ear, making a pleasurable sigh escape his throat before he took advantage of the situation to mark a hickey slightly lower.

How did it come to this, a stupid game leading him to betray the only thing he was ever sure of about himself. Jimin knew he should stop this and push the other away, but something wouldn't let him, in fact he wanted more.

On the other hand Jungkook got what he wanted, less than he needed, but he wanted the rest to be in other circumstances, in privacy, not with Jimin's idiot best friend peeking from the door crack. He stood up and Jimin almost let his body follow, before catching himself.

"I think we've established something new, well, new to you at least" he said and put his shirt back on. 

The older couldn't speak at all , he was too dazed from his fever and the moment he just had, with none other than Jeon Jungkook, his rival or so to speak.

His sexuality was not the only thing he was to question after this.


"You look shocked"

"I am shocked"


"What do you think Jeon" he glared.

"I'd say it was inevitable" he shrugged.

"You touched me and I told you not to" Jimin pointed out.

"No baby, you touched me, you felt my body and kissed me first, I just finished the job" he winked.

"We're never bringing this up. Tell anyone and I'll have your ball sack pinned to your front door" he said with a flushed face .

"You're kind of scary" he said and sat down on the chair with closed eyes .

"What the fuck" Jimin muttered to himself while rubbing his face with both his hands.

"Don't be embarrassed I liked it as much as you did" Jungkook reassured, "I'm sure you had things like these happen before, you're not called a fuckboy for nothing" 

"I said let's not talk about this ever again"

"I'm down to make this a routine, just saying"

"Stop talking"

"I mean we both are the school's hottest and most horny dudes so, how about we join forces?" jungkook said with a cheeky smile and Jimin groaned in annoyance.

"Shut up!" he shouted into his pillow.

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