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Jimin was getting ready while waiting for a text from Jungkook, considering they had been chatting for over half an hour since they left each other. The topic of the conversation was his outfit and whether or not the other was going, to see if they should dress as the sexiest couple, or so Jungkook would put it.

Just tell me what you're wearing

No. you'll come to the party and see for yourself!

What if I'm not going at all? I would miss out on you

What would you want to see me wear?

Uhhh like for this or... Cause my answer would be nothing

Just what outfit do you think suits me best 🙄

I would say those tight black pants
Anything on top really
Some nice black boots and rings

Close enough then, I had gone for a black T
Don't worry I put about two rings

Make that four

Is that a kink of yours?

With you I don't even know what I like or not, everything's perfect

Facetime me now.

Jeon is calling...

"Hi" Jungkook said with a smirk.

"You look high... Did you smoke?" he asked while spraying his perfume.

"I lit one up half an hour ago" he said with a nod.

"We should do that together one of these days" Jimin said and Jungkook chuckled softly.

"Jimin-ssi, are you aware that smoking with someone of my interest is very intimate to me?"


"You'll know when we do" he added with a wink.

"I noticed that whatever you do with me turns out intimate" he rolled his eyes.

"Can't help it... Alright do a twirl for me baby" he asked and Jimin settled the phone down and backed away to show him the look.

"Now I really don't want you to go to that party"

"You're going too, so it's okay" Jimin chuckled.

"About that... Something came up, I don't think I can. I might go late maybe?" he explained, unsure of his statements.

"We could be having fun" Jimin slumped his shoulders.

"Just don't drink too much while I'm gone okay? Gotta be there to take care of you instead of some stranger"

"I don't feel like getting wasted anyway" he reassure.

"Okay then I gotta go now... See you later maybe. And if not, look for Namjoon-hyung, he doesn't drink a lot so I think he'll be able to drive you home"

"You sound like my mom" he chuckled.

"No just your boyfriend" Jungkook said with a smile before saying their goodbyes and hanging up.


"Jimin! It's been some time huh?" Bogum greeted and Jimin chuckled.

"Yeah, it's been around 3 months right?"

"You stayed away from parties ever since the issue with those two girls at school"

"Not exactly because of that, but it was definitely part of it. Remind me to clearly advertise one night stand when I meet people. Not that it matters now though" he shrugged.

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