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"Are you crazy Jimin?" the voice shrieked.

"It's too much, I just want to stay away at this point" he said in defeat.

"You're giving your dream up! You can't let a messed up relationship do that to you, many people had one or more in their lives but they didn't let it affect their future!" the girl tried to reason but the boy wasn't having any of it.

"Momo, I love him" Jimin confessed and the girl looked at him wide eyed. She held him by the shoulder and attempted to make eye contact, only to find his eyes teary.

"You admitted it, that's amazing Jimin. You're doing some progress, that's good" she encouraged and he nodded.

"I love him enough to let him move on to something better" he said and she sighed.

"This is not a way to solve these problems. You're giving up way too easily-"

"This was not easy.None of it was easy. Do you think I just woke up and called my father to transfer? And moreover to the studies I hate most? Do you think I was just brushing my teeth when I thought about letting Jungkook forget me?" Jimin responded and she sat quiet.

"I know it must've been hard to put up with this, for both of you actually... But the only thing I can tell you is that it'd be better if you told him how you felt face to face"

"It's no use. He's just gonna give me the same answer again" he shook his head, he completely lost hope.

Later that night, he told his friends the news but it seemed that nobody could understand where the decision was coming from. They don't know how it feels.

"No Jimin. You stood against your father for so long, you quit seeing you mother because of it, you started working since he didn't pay for you anymore and all of that to give up now? You haven't even graduated yet, are you serious?" Namjoon tried to reason and Jimin looked away with a frown, all of that was true but what's the point if he's just gonna go back to hating this school just like before.

"Hyung is right Jimin, just wait until you graduate and then leave each other alone. Don't act on impulse, the year is almost over"

"Except we have to work on that project to graduate in the first place, and I don't think that's going any further" he huffed and the boys clicked their tongues.

"I'm sorry to say this but you have to bear with it. We won't let Jungkook ruin your chances" Taehyung reassured.

"I can't just bear with it guys, we'll have to dance together and write songs" he groaned, tired of explaining this over and over. "I don't think I can write something that's not about him and it's painful"

A few hours passed and the boys stayed with Jimin all the time, just so he wouldn't take off and go do something stupid, but eventually they had to part ways for class and Jimin took the opportunity to go see his father.

"This is a wise decision Jimin, I'm proud of you" was the first thing the man said, no hello, no how are you. Jimin rolled his eyes and sat on the leather arm chair.

"Let's get over with it"

"Good, good" the man said and pulled out a document.

"This is the contract you will need to sign my son. You see, you are still young, and you can always change your mind about things so suddenly, and I don't want that. By singing this contract you will agree that you will never give priority to any school other than ones chosen for you, and that you will work in my company when you graduate" the man said and Jimin clenched his eyes in discontent.

"You will also be allowed to see your mother now, that's going to be your reward for granting my wish, in addition to your credit card and a house bigger than that apartment you're squatting, don't you think I didn't realize. You could even come live with us again if you want "

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