Final Exam

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Today Jimin had a vocal practice class, he hated it as well. Actually, he hated every class he shared with Jungkook, so basically all.

They entered the room and Jimin took his usual spot in the corner, on the complete opposite from where Jungkook was.

At the last half hour of class, the teacher gathered them in a circle and they all looked at each other questioningly. Jimin was barely paying attention if he was honest, this class never failed to lose him midway for its monotonous nature-- as ironic as that sounds.

"Okay guys, you all know that you have a final exam to pass at the end of this year right?" they asked, making the students groan and nod.

"Your other teachers and I had a meeting about it, and we think that it'd be interesting to create a more comprehensive examination system. It's not harder, in fact it may seem easier to some of you, but for that, you'll have to work in teams" they explained, and the student cheered and clapped. "And we are the ones setting teams you'll be in"

"Please let us work with whoever we want!" someone complained.

"It's already decided everyone, now I'll proceed with telling you who works with who"

I hope my teammate is at least among the top 10 in class, Jimin thought.

I'm gonna have to work with someone... I do better alone. Jungkook sighed.

The teacher started listing the teams, most had two but some had three members depending on the students' classes. Just like with all team work, there were people glad about their groups and others who couldn't wait to ask for a switch. 

"Team 13. Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook. That's it you may go now" she announced, catching everyone by surprise.

"Excuse me, what? I'm not working with him" Jungkook scoffed.

"Neither am I, all he does is boss me around and bicker over anything. We surely wouldn't work in a team" Jimin asserted as well. 

"Actually we had a meeting with all the senior year professors and formed the teams after careful study of your schedule, you two take the exact same classes and your grades are similar. It's settled" she denied, it was a lot of work to form teams that would theoretically be able to produce good enough work for the final assessment, now concretely, the students would need to solve their differences on their own.

"Don't worry, you only have to work as a team in two out of three exam activities" she tried to reassure, "You are going to write one song each, then find another one to perform together, then a dance duet in the genre and music of your choice" she said before dismissing everyone else from the session.

The two boys stood facing each other with a deep frown on both their faces .

"Fix this. I'm not teaming up with you" Jimin huffed, aggressively packing his things.

"Not like I'm begging for a squeaky voice to ruin my performance" the taller replied.

"You think I would trust you to do a two-step without messing up?"

"Please we both know I would only make you look good, if not outshine you"

"Outshine who? You walked out from a challenge because you knew you couldn't beat me"

"I wasn't trying to participate anyway"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night"

"Come to think of it, you looked very comfortable dancing for somebody in a chair"

"Why does that matter..."

"I'm just saying that's mostly what put me off from participating"

"Do I make you nervous baby girl?" Jimin snickered.

"Maybe you dance like that for other people" Jungkook smirked, "Tell me the truth Park, how much do they pay you" he taunted. 

"So original... You just can't fathom that I'm simply more confident than you'll ever be" the shorter responded, boring his eyes into the other's just as intently.

"You know what I think? It's all a facade" he shrugged.

"Is it?"

"And it cracked for a second" he nodded.

"And when was that?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"When I didn't react how you expected me to" he replied, "It's funny how you were looking down on me with your finger gun against my forehead yet I felt more in control of the whole thing" he chuckled.

"Literally what are you talking about" Jimin sighed dismissively. "That's why no one likes you in this school, you're just so full of yourself" he added as he walked out the room, leaving him behind by himself.

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