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Jimin took himself to the roof after his last class, it seems to be the only place he finds comfort in at school, then sat on one of the benches. He palmed his face and groaned out in frustration.

"A team with Jeon..." he muttered to himself, "I thought our rivalry was too obvious for something like that"

He took his phone out and lost himself in social media to take his mind off of things, when a notification popped out.

Dad (they say) : Come to the office after school 

Me :

"What now..." he wondered out loud.

Deciding to go back inside, he walked down the flights of stairs and through the hallways, not even noticing Jungkook in the opposite direction, too deep in thoughts to care anyway. He quickly bid his friends goodbye for the day and left the establishment, heading straight to his dad's office with his car.

He walked inside the building and quickly greeted the people who work for his father, trying to slip away from any small talk they would start hoping to win brownie points with their boss.He knocked on the office door and barged in with no further invitation.

"Son. Take a seat"

Son? Since when.

"So I called you here to tell you that I want you to quit arts and follow a business program" the man announced, not even asking about his son's well being and getting straight to the point. 

"What" Jimin breathed in shock.

"You heard me. Tomorrow you'll start attending this school, your first class is at 9:30am" he responded, sliding him a school pack with goodies and his new schedule.

"It's my senior year, why would I give up arts now? Will I have to do high school from scratch again?" Jimin tried expressing his confusion.

"No, no. It's just a year of intensive business basics, just what you'd need to get accepted for a  business bachelor degree" the man explained, "You've already two years of art high school, aren't you tired of wasting your time already?" he asked with a judgemental look.

"The deal was that I finish high school at the top of my class, and if Ido that, I get to decide my future" Jimin reminded. 

"I might have overestimated the difficulty of whatever you do at that school, and thought you would fail. Since it's obviously easy for you, I have to break that deal" his father responded firmly.

"It's not easy, and I don't even want to do business... I can't be enrolled in two places at once, how did you even get me in this new school it's almost December" he rested his face in his hands as he tried to think about this rationally.

"I'll take care of your dropping out later this week" 

"I'm not going there tomorrow. I don't care about your plans for me" he crossed his arms and stared at him defiantly.

"Jimin!" the father banged a fist on the desk but he didn't even flinch, he was used to aggressive behavior from him. "You are going to do as I say. You are my son, and it's not by twirling around that you're gonna take over the company" he argued.

"Then I don't want to be your son at all if that's all I'm worth!" he finally snapped.

"Watch what you're saying! Be grateful that I even let you do these past two years in that school" he threatened.

"You only care about yourself and this stupid company of yours, you never even spent time with me if not to undermine everything I achieved. Where's mom, huh? I barely even see her lately but I bet so do you" he fought back, feeling his eyes water at the thought of her. "She left you didn't she?"

"That's it. If I don't get a call confirming you're at the business program tomorrow, you're out the house"

"Don't worry, I'm leaving just like she did. I'll pack my things right away"

"Not so fast. You think I'll let you waste my money in this meaningless life you want to have?" the man scoffed. 

"I don't need your money" Jimin confidently replied.

"Leave your credit card on the desk then" he said and watching the boy pull it out of his wallet onto the the wooden surface, "And the keys to you car" he added.

"Is that all?" Jimin snorted, "You'll leave me be after this?"

"Go be a failure if you want to, you'll come back sooner or later" he clicked his tongue and turned his chair around to end the conversation. 

Jimin pursed his lips and walked out of the office without looking back, he looked up the buses in this area and sat at the stop, waiting for his ride home-- well no longer.

Why is he like this? Why can't he let me do things that make me happy, doesn't he love me? he dried his tears before they fell.

Now I have nothing, no family, no money, and an asshole trying to ruin my life at school too. He closed his eyes and rested his head on the bus window, silently waiting to reach the house he won't even spend the night in.

He packed some of his clothes into a suitcase, the rest he would have to leave there. He had a bit of cash in his drawers, enough to keep him above the water for a month, since he can't cook at all and would have to eat outside everyday. 

He slithered into his parent's bedroom, where his father kept the keys to their multiple properties across the city and the country. Now he had an apartment downtown, he just had to find a job somewhere.

Jimin has never been one of those people who refuse to work because of their wealth, he was rather modest, but strangers loved to label him as a spoiled kid without even getting to know him. And those who did befriend him mostly wanted to use him. 

He wasn't the most sociable student in high school because of that, leaving only two people: Namjoon and Taehyung. The two seemed to be genuine towards him when they first met, although they would rather not cause as much trouble as Jimin does, so they got along very well and eventually became his closest friends.

However, even if he didn't have many friends, he had even less enemies. Jeon Jungkook was the only person he couldn't stand in the entire school and he didn't even know why exactly. The boy just seemed to do exactly all the right things to annoy him.

Jimin shook his head to stop thinking about his rival, he knew his mood would grow sour the more he remembered their interactions. 

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