Small Talk

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Jimin was back to work soon as new customers waltzed in and required his attention, he did some things perfectly, messed up others, it was a learning curve. Between taking orders and getting paid, Jimin surely preferred the former. He's much rather talking to people than using that cash register.

After finishing his tasks, he leaned on the counter and looked around the cafe with his chin on his palm.

Now that he takes a better look, it was different to see Jungkook without his school uniform. He was wearing a white t-shirt under his black bomber jacket, black jeans and white sneakers, his fluffy black hair was brushed to the side and he had thick black glasses on.

"I thought you hated that guy"

"I do, I'm just trying to figure him out"

"Figure what out?"

"Him. Why he's nice out of school, why does he's studying astronomy and physics, why he looks put together" he listed.

"Well you can't really figure out the last one, he's always looked that way when I saw him" 

"He seems different "

"He is different, that's why we're friends. He's funny and kind, wish more people were like him" she nodded.

"Go marry him at this point"

"And you know what? You are the exact opposite. Annoying and a pervert. No wonder you two don't get along" he scrunched her nose in judgement.

"Hey I'm not like that. I'm actually a really nice person"


"I just don't show it to everyone"

"That's your excuse?"

"It's not an excuse, I can be nice if I want to"

"You better want to when you're around me" she warned.

"I am nice to you though"

"Oh you have a long way to go" she raised her brows.

"I can go to anybody-- even Jeon-- and show you that I can be very nice" he disagreed.

"You say you're not friends right?"

"Far from indeed" he confirmed.

"I bet you can't be nice enough to make him your friend"

"Is this a challenge" he narrowed his eyes.

"Being the generous person I am, I'll give you two weeks. You obviously need to brush up your basic conversation skills" she mocked.

"What happens if I prove you wrong" he asked.

"You'll get a friend, finally" she flatly replied.

"No, no, being friends with Jeon doesn't have the value you think it does" he snickered.

"And he says he's a nice person" Momo pursed her lips. "Fine, you'll get a free drink every Tuesday and Thursday" she conceded, "But if yo don't you'll be doing everything around the shop until the end of the year" she added.

"Fine, don't get used to the idea because it won't happen" he smiled and stood straight from the counter.

"Just to be clear, he's the one who should say that you two are friends" 

"Yeah yeah" he nodded and took a deep breath. Now that he looked at the boy again, he began to realize that the deal was easier said than done. How could he actually befriend someone he bullied everyday for two years.

"Hey Jungkookie" he called again, using Momo's nickname coax him.


"Come on don't be grumpy, let's talk!" he said with a smile, drawing a confused expression on his face.

"Are you okay...?"

"I'm fine, so what are you reading?"

"You wouldn't understand"

"I'm not stupid" he deadpanned.

"Yes. Yes you are" the other disagreed.

"I'll ignore that... So how are Yoongi, Hoseok, and um- Seokjin?"


"Why don't you wanna talk to me" he sighed.

"I'm trying to read over here" Jungkook replied with all nonchalance. 

"You can read later"

"My time in this cafe is dedicated to this. We can talk at school baby okay?" he winked again. That must be his favorite thing to do because Jimin is considering starting a counter for it.

"No. Don't talk to me when we're in school" he denied warningly, making the talked lean closer for a staring context. Why was Jimin sitting at his table, why was he being half decent company when he usually never is... Jungkook wondered.

"You're frowning again" he pointed out.

"Nothing new for you" Jimin crossed his arms defiantly.

"Why are you being cute" he blatantly stated.

"I'm not being cute? Ew?" he cringed.

"Alright, what do you wanna talk about?" he said while closing his magazine and resting his forearms on the table.

"Hmm... let's talk about you, tell me something I don't know" Jimin shrugged.

"Who knew being nerdy would get you interested in me" Jungkook grinned.

"I'm not interested in you- just-"

"I'm 18" he cut him off with the first thing that came to mind, not willing to hear how Jimin would rather stare at a wall than have a conversation.

"I know that dumbass"

"I live with my dad, I like movies and comics, Ironman in particular" he started.

"Ironman?" he teased.

"People can like whatever they want" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"True... Hate when people try to dictate what you can like or not" he said looking to the side.

"It's worse when people decide your life for you" he sighed.

"Yeah" Jimin agreed, and as both of them indulged in their own thoughts and problems, a slow silence instilled between them. "Okay, let's not get deep here" he chuckled awkwardly.

"Tell me about you now Jimin"

"My parents are rich but I'm not. I live in an apartment building around here, and I started working in this coffee shop to pay my bills" he informed, correcting his previous beliefs.

"Can't rely on daddy's money to get girls now can you" he snickered.

"You're so mean, you know that?" Jimin said and avoided the other eyes, in fact he didn't even look in his direction.

"Hey... I'm sorry, I didn't know it was a touchy subject. I thought it was a choice" he explained.

"My dad kicked me out. Congratulations you have something else to make fun of me for now" he pursed his lips and Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"I won't make fun of you for this Jimin. I don't make fun of people at all, I just tease you sometimes because we feel like enemies and stuff" he defended.

"I think I should go back to work" he last said before giving Jungkook one last look and a tight smile, then going back behind the counter. After that reaction, the younger took his glasses off and put his face in his hands. I messed it up again, he scolded himself, before taking his book and exiting the shop.

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