Good For You

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Jimin woke up early today, he set his alarm for 30 minutes before his usual waking time, he surely didn't get up right away as he took a good 10 minutes to accommodate to everything around him.

With closed eyes, he started feeling around and remembering his surroundings to wake up slowly. He was in his room, it wasn't so dark because of the faint light from the curtains. He was only in his boxers and his sheets were tangled between his naked legs. He kicked the fabric off when it started feeling uncomfortably hot and craved a glass of water to soothe his throat, dry like during yesterdays dance class-

His eyes shot open.

Seeing that stupid face in his mind first thing in the morning was definitely not his favorite way to wake up.

Now that he was fully conscious, he looked at the clock and saw that he still had time. The previous night, he had decided to take more time to get ready, he wanted to look extra good today.

Why? You asked. Jimin says it's not for anyone in particular, not really for anybody at school or anyone in his class, he just picked out a nice outfit for no one, styled his hair nicely and put spray on it for no one, wore accessories and rings for no one of course, even put on a bit of eyeliner at the outer corner of his eyes, but he said it was for no one so it's okay. Dear no one, you're lucky.

 Dear no one, you're lucky

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Walking into the school, he received a lot of attention, mostly because he stood out in the middle of uniforms, but also because he looked quite good and the students didn't fail to show their appreciation. 

He's hot.

Why isn't he wearing his uniform? Honestly he should do this more often.

He's trying to impress Jeon 

Jeon? why? 

Where were you all this time?

Jimin snorted at the comment and continued pulling his things out of his locker before feeling a hand on his shoulder. He smirked and quickly turned around to push the boy away.

"Morning Jeon" he said with disdain in his tone.

"Why aren't you wearing your uniform?"

"Got dirty, got a problem with this?"

"God no. Uniforms should be banned forever I say" he disagreed and pulled him by the wrist to drag him elsewhere.

"Hey what-" he started to complain until he saw him close the door of the gym locker rooms behind them. "What are we doing here?"

"Do you really want to know?" he asked.

"I have class right now" Jimin reminded.

"You are so not walking this way in the hallways for another 10 minutes for everyone to see" Jungkook shook his head and leaned on the door, blocking access to the other side.

"You gonna lock me in here with you?" Jimin scoffed.

"You wanted to impress me, so here I am, all yours to impress" he explained.

"I didn't do this for you" he meekly replied.

"So you admit you chose to do this"

"Does it matter" he sighed.

"It does because it's one thing to wear your unflattering uniform and another to walk in with these tight jeans and pretty collarbones" Jungkook responded, walking towards the other and trapping him against the the metal cabinets.

"Back off" Jimin said without making any effort to push him away.

"Hmm?" the taller hummed before setting his hands on his waist.

"Stop" Jimin added when Jungkook nuzzled against his cheek.

"You're telling me to go away but arching your neck better" he chuckled, "You're never voicing out what you want from all this. Now tell me, what do you want?" Jungkook asked.

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