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During Urban dance class today, students had to organize themselves in their assigned teams, but neither Jungkook nor Jimin moved an inch from their corners.

"You two, stand together" the teacher ordered but they still didn't budge.

"Are you looking for consequences?" he asked with a raised brow, making them quickly scurry closer and stand side by side with an awkward smiles on their faces.

"Alright you all know that you have to prepare a team dance right? The guidelines are to use at least three key elements you learned this year in your choreography, regardless of the genre you choose, along with passing basic assessment criteria" he started explaining how to arrange the moves and all, then gave them a routine to work on.

They were asked to start brainstorming their concepts along with the key points they would build their choreography around, and Jimin noticed that Jungkook had a hard time with a move so he stopped him and touch his leg with the free hand.

"Before you turn, you should make sure this foot is in this position..." he explained while tapping the said body part and moving it to its supposed right spot.

"How about you don't touch me" Jungkook simply said.

"I just had to fix your spin for you"

"Now who's bossing who?"

"I'm just helping you" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Didn't need help"

"Stop being like this! You didn't get the spin right more than 5 times" he pointed out.

"Not an excuse to be in my personal space" he huffed.

"I knew we wouldn't be a good team, I can't put up with you for even a second you're so-" 

"Can you guys behave in a classroom? Who put you two together anyway" the teacher clicked his tongue when he walked back to them. "I can't believe you never learn even after all the ridiculous things I made you do as punishment" he shook his head.

"No, sorry sir we'll be quiet" Jimin tried to apologize.

"What you really need is to get over yourselves. You're always disturbing the session even in a team, so let's fix this once and for all" the teacher complained. "You two need to talk things out and you're going to do it right now" he said.

"Talk about what?" Jungkook asked, side-eyeing the shorter.

"About why you're always fighting. Apologize to each other. I don't know, figure it out" he shrugged, "I want you two on better terms by the end of class" he added before leaving to teach the rest of the groups, not to waste any more time. 

"Even he saw how you're a jackass all the time" Jimin snickered when they were left alone. 

"I wasn't a jackass all the time" Jungkook disagreed, "Okay maybe most of the time, but not all the time" he refused to admit.

"So? Are you gonna apologize or..." Jimin sighed, crossing his arms against his chest expectantly.

"You apologize"

"For what? I'm just minding my business most the time, and you're always trying to get on my nerves"

"You said it" Jungkook pointed with his index.

"Said what"

"Most of the time. So you have things to apologize for too"

"Okay maybe, not more than you though. You insult me at any given chance, and criticize me even when I'm doing better than you. I literally tried to help you just now and look how much shit you gave me for it" Jimin listed. Glad to finally let these things out in the open. 

"It's not my fault something about you pisses me off" he replied.

"See this is your problem, you don't take anything seriously. I'm trying to fix things for the team and you're here being dumb"

"I don't know Park. I don't know what to tell you, it's just how it is, we don't like each other and I can't do anything about it" Jungkook raised his arms in exasperation. 

"I don't like you because you're arrogant" Jimin responded, giving him a bait to catch.

"I don't like you because you're short" Jungkook scoffed, earning a shove from the other. 

"You can't even think of something to say about me? That's all you got in that bird brain?" he huffed, taking full offence since he hated comments about his height. 

"Alright. You're frustrating" the taller said to prove a point.

"What does that even mean"

"Whenever I'm around you make me feel so many things, mainly bad, but it's just too much. It confuses me and I don't like to be confused" he explained himself. "I honestly hate that I have to come here everyday and on top of that see your scowling face in all of my classes. It depresses me" 

"I only am because you probably already ruined my mood at some point, I don't scowl at just anyone Jeon" Jimin defended.

"A lot of the times I'm not even trying to. You just get annoyed by everything I say no matter how basic it is" Jungkook pointed out. It's always been a problem with Jimin, he would judge every word he says even if it's just a hello.

"Because I don't like you" Jimin shrugged.

"Vicious cycle isn't it" Jungkook scoffed.

"What now" Jimin broke the silence that instilled after that sentence. They still had to get along to be able to work on this final project as a team, or at least look the part by the end of the session. 

"I don't know" Jungkook sighed, turning to look at the other boy who was clearly troubled. He knows Jimin must be stressed about the exam just like he is, and being in one team is not ideal but they had to work it out somehow. "I'm sorry" he started.

Jimin looked back up to his eyes again, and this time they were much softer than he's used to. 

"I'm sorry if I say things that hurt you, or I guess I'm sorry about whatever made you dislike me" he continued, "Truth is I want it to stop. It's almost like we bully each other daily and it's not even funny. I don't think I've ever seen you smile at me"

"Neither do I. I've only seen you smile to your ex boyfriends and girlfriends" Jimin agreed. 

"Why were you looking at me with my exes" Jungkook raised a brow.

"Don't start now" Jimin rolled hi eyes, "The hallways aren't that big" he clicked his tongue. 

"I'm kidding" Jungkook chuckled, changing things with a first harmless joke. 

"Not funny" 

"Come on Park, you're not even trying"

"Yeah this is all too weird right now, I need some time" Jimin said before walking a bit further to stretch.

"You're gonna get us in trouble if we don't look chummy" Jungkook followed to the front of the room. "Sir! Could you please come here?"  he called the man standing with another group.

"Did you sort yourselves out?" he asked.

"Yes... Well as much as we could in half an hour" he replied.

"We talked things out as you said" Jimin confirmed. 

"Alright then, a little hug to mark a new friendship" the teacher urged in excitement, "Warm and friendly" he added. Of course he was happy the feud ended, even the Principal didn't want to see them in her office again. 

"Uhh" Jimin stood awkwardly, waiting for the taller to make a move.

"Come here Park" Jungkook said with a mischievous smile, "I'm gonna crush you" he added only for the shorter to hear.

"No wai-" Jimin barely breathed.

Jungkook pulled him into a tight hug, painfully tight at first, until he loosened his arms again and kept them curved around his back. He also felt Jimin slowly slide his own around his middle, so he breathed deeply, taking in the smell of his shampoo.

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