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"Jungkookie! Nice to see you again"

"Hey Momo, It's been like... A week?" he chuckled. 

"You come here more often than that, have you been busy?" she asked.

"Just school, it's been taking a lot of my time lately"

"That means you need to relieve stress, so what would you like to drink? it's on the house"

"Really? Thank you. An americano as always, with a chocolate muffin please"

"Coming right away" she said, turning to the machines behind her.

"Have you still not found someone to work with you? Doing all this on your own is pretty tiring I assume, no?" he asked in concern.

"Tell me about it" she replied, glaring at a certain figure rolled into a ball on the floor.

Is this really the Jungkook I know? He seems nicer than usual, but his voice is still the same ... No it can't be him...

"You go sit Jungkookie, I'll bring it to you when it's ready" she said and Jungkook complied with a smile then walked to his favorite booth in the corner of the room. Unbeknownst to him, a classmate was sighing in relief from behind the counter he just stood at.

"Was that Jeon Jungkook?" Jimin whispered.

"Tall, doe eyes, bunny smile... Yup, the one and only"

"It couldn't be. That guy was nice"

"Why wouldn't he be, we're good friends"

"Good friends huh? I don't know, it looks like you have a crush on him" he pursed his lips.

She lightly slapped him on the cheek and scoffed .

"Not really, but I mean he's really sweet and respectful, unlike you for example"

"Him? Sweet? Your standards are about under my ass right now" he said, pointing at the floor.

"Yes him. The smart and handsome boy who comes every Tuesday and Thursday to study his science stuff" she confirmed.

"Oh! Okay, I think we're mistaken. The one I know is not at all what you're talking about" he said with a relieved sigh. 

"And now that you know it's not him, go serve his order" she ushered.

"My pleasure" he chuckled, seeming to regain his good mood.

He dusting himself and straightened his apron, then took a hold of the tray and made his way to designated booth, where a young man sat with his back to him. He practiced his line mentally, and put on his most welcoming smile, before starting to settle the items on the surface next to the customer's magazine.

"Enjoy your... What the fuck."

Jimin's smile quickly dropped, even before Jungkook got to see it. He lowered his arms in confusion, letting the tray settled against his side. 

The younger was just as surprised, this was the last place he would think of seeing Jimin, and working on top of that.

"Jimin?" he asked, his wide eyes not believing what they're seeing.

"So it was you. I really wanted to believe that it wasn't and that you just had the same name as somebody else- forget it. Choke on that drink" he rolled his eyes.

Jungkook stayed dumbfounded. What did he do to deserve such treatment? He just came to have a good time and read one of his science magazines.

"Why did you say that to him? Do you want to lose your job already?" she asked, more anxious about having to fire him than anything else.

"Listen, it's the same guy I was trying to avoid. We hate each other" he explained.

"Jimin, go apologize" she advised.


"Yes, or bye job"

"You need me" he huffed.

"Jungkook could step in, he asked if he could help and I turned him down because he has a lot to do already"

"A lot of sleeping around you mean"

"Shut up and go already"


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