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Jimin hesitantly shuffled his feet on the marbled floor making his way to the boy's table, then sat down across from him.

"I didn't invite you to sit" Jungkook said flatly.

Jimin rolled his eyes and was more than ready to leave when Jungkook caught his wrist and pulled him back.

"What do you want" Jimin huffed.

"You're the one who sat here first" he pointed out, making him sigh.

"I'm sorry for cursing at you dear costumer, my mind wasn't clear" he tightly smiled.

"That's okay, but why did you do it?"

"Because it's you, isn't it obvious? You drive me crazy" 

"Same here baby" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows before seeing him gag.

"Gross. What I mean is that I'm pissed at you"

"What for?"

"I'm sure you've seen the picture going around the school, no? I have a reputation and you're destroying it"

"It was just a hug, Jimin. We didn't have a choice either" Jungkook groaned at the topic.

"It doesn't look like that on the photo"

"I'm sure nobody thinks we're hooking up just because of it" he reassured, "Why are you so freaked out anyway, it's not like we don't look good together" he winked.

"Because you're a boy. Worse! You're you"

"Then I must assume you enjoy being hugged by a boy, by me, since you totally melted into it" he said leaning closer.

"For the thousandth time, I don't swing that way"

"I can bend you: Valid in every sens possible" he joked.

"Leave me alone" he rolled his eyes.

"You didn't insult me? I think I still have a chance"

"I can't be clearer than this" Jimin complained.

"Never thought I'd enjoy a rejection" Jungkook hummed in amusement.

"How am I gonna live? Everybody looks at me weird" 

"Stop making a big deal out of it! People forget things, but if you keep bringing it up they won't" Jungkook countered, exasperated from the never-ending complained and maybe a little hurt from how opposed Jimin was to the idea of merely hugging his for a few seconds.

The other didn't disagree, maybe it was best to just ignore it altogether. He looked over to the counter where Momo was washing a few dishes and putting them back in place.

"That girl, Momo, she told me you come here a lot"

"I do, I live just around here and this cafe seemed nice so I just stay here, and read something or study"

"Right, she told me you study science stuff, what is that about?" he asked curiously, all he's ever known Jungkook for is his artistry.

"Oh that, I'll tell you when we're friends" he winked and Jimin scoffed, "That said, why are you here? As far as I know you're filthy rich, what happened?" he asked in return.

"I'll tell you when we're friends" Jimin replied back.

"Fair enough"

"Momo said you two were good friends, that you were sweet with her, which took a bit of time to get used to because I'm surprised you didn't make a move on her already" he pointed out.

"I tried once and got kicked in the balls" he shrugged and heard Jimin laugh. He looked over to the older boy who had a bright smile on his face, his head was thrown backwards and his hand was slightly covering his mouth.

"Same! It happened like- an hour ago or something" he admitted.

"Who would've thought" Jungkook joined.

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