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Jimin woke up with a headache, he felt pressure on his shoulder and looked towards it to find a girl with messy hair and tons of hickeys on her skin laying besides him. He can't say he didn't know it was going to happen, but the thought of facing Jungkook with this sounded like the biggest nightmare and he couldn't even wake himself from it.

He found his clothes somewhere in the girl's room and dressed himself again. He looked at her sleeping figure and checked the time. Past 1pm? I missed school... he thought to himself before noticing an unread message. 

Decided to stop by
See you soon pretty

"Fuck" Jimin audibly cursed. He left the apartment and took a bus to his own neighborhood and spent the entire ride making up stories to say when the time comes.

"Hey Jungkook, I know I slept with someone else last night but I think it's a way to start this new lifestyle fresh, no?"

"Good morning, I know we just got in a relationship, but I went home with someone else... You'll forgive me right?"

"Look Jungkook. I slept with someone else, get over it" he squeezed his eyes and felt his head hurt.

"There is no way I can say that... I'm screwed" he sighed,

Once at the cafe for his shift, he knew Jungkook would be there and decided to act like nothing happened until confronted about it, maybe Jungkook doesn't even know. He wore his uniform and looked around the place to find the boy, but to his surprise it was empty. 

"Hey, has Jungkook come in already?" he asked Momo. 

"Yeah he picked up his drink and left" she nodded.

"Did he say where?"

"Back home" she shrugged.

"Oh. Did he seem... Upset?" Jimin experimentally asked.

"I've rarely seen him so down honestly, did something happen?" she asked.

"Do you think I can leave work for a bit? I really need to talk to him" he asked, hoping she would understand. 

"You'll come back right away though yeah?"

"Yes, promise" he nodded.

Just like that he was on his way to his teammate's apartment building where he would hopefully sort this out without too much damage. He stood at his front door and internally debate on whether to knock or not, starting to feel too nervous suddenly. I came all the way here, might as well...

"Hi" Jimin smiled when Jungkook opened the door.

"Why are you here" he said.

Jimin had never seen that look in Jungkook's eyes, he had never seen such anger,  and disappointment. The taller was about to close the door but Jimin beat him to it and set a hand on his shoulder to restore eye contact. He didn't expect to see tears brimming his lash line. Maybe this wasn't about last night, there was no way it would affect him this much.

"Baby what's wron-" he was about to ask when he was shoved back, his hand roughly removed from the other's body.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook chuckled humorlessly, "Leave"

"I can't explain-"

"Leave Jimin. I can't even look at you" he scowled, almost in disgust. "Fucking whore" he whispered under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief with his eyes shut.

"Jungkook-ah, who is the young boy?" Jungkook's father asked after coming out of the kitchen.


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