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After school Jimin went to the coffee shop nearby, he needed a job now that his dad cut him off, and they needed workers. He entered the place and looked at his surroundings, the shop was welcoming and cozy, the warm atmosphere drawing him in as he walked further inside.

He noticed a young woman at the counter, taking orders, making them, and serving them as well. She looked bored and tired and what better did she need than another human interaction to fill her day.

"Hello sir, what would you like to drink" she said monotonously, the customer service taking a hit these days as it appeared.

"I am actually in here for the job?" he said unsure of his own words.

Her eyes lit up and she ran to the back room, leaving him to wait for a few seconds. She came back with an older man, most likely her boss, sporting an expression full of glee.

"Hello boy, I'm the owner of this coffee shop and my daughter here told me you wanted to work?"

"Yes sir, I really need this job"

"What's your name?"

"Park Jimin, sir, I'm 19 years old, a student in arts highschool and I live alone"

"Alright boy, you're in. You need to fill in these papers, and I'll get you your uniform" he said, excitedly spreading the sheets on the counter after Jimin bowed to his new superior.

"Thank you sir"

"Oh you can call me uncle Hirai"

"Uhh 'kay..." he hummed. Uncle? Yeah no. 

"When can you start?"

"As soon as possible, I mean I have bills to pay" he said scratching his neck nervously.

"Perfect, can you brew coffee?" the man asked nonchalantly, clearly expecting a specific answer.

"No, I never tried"

"Oh, well then you'll be taking care of the orders and serving customers. Momo will make the drinks and anything else, sounds good?"

"Sure!" he firmly nodded.

"Alright, I hope you find it nice and enjoy your shifts" he last said with a small smile.

"I'll do my best thank you" he replied.

Mr. Hirai went back inside and left the two teenagers standing awkwardly on either side of the counter. As much as Momo was excited about having somebody to help around, she forgot how to interact with non-customers.

"You're Momo?" Jmin experimentally asked, "It that like- your name or..."

"My name's Mona so..." she nodded, "Welcome here by the way, I promise you'll appreciate this place a lot!" she replied, making it sound as enthusiastic as possible, she was not about to lose this part-timer in a few days time.

"I already do honestly" he shrugged.

"Great. Come with me, I need to show you how to do things around here" she said, starting to walk around the counter and ahead for him to follow, and with the force of habit, he might have let his eyes roam about her figure. She had a nice figure.

She showed him how to prepare tables, where the cleaning supplies were, how to ask for an order and what to recommend if need be it. All the basic things he would need on his first official shift, the rest she would teach him in due time. 

"All this sounds fun, but I was hoping you could show me how to do other things, much more... exciting things" he said as he leaned on the table with his hip, crossing his arms against his chest while a smirk subtly stretched his lips.

"You're one of those huh" she sighed in disappointment, starting to walk away and he followed.

"Surely that can't be a bad thing" he chuckled, feeling confident enough to reach for her wrist. And just like that, he felt his arm being twisted and an intense pain between his legs. "What the-"

"Touch me again and you'll feel worse. Now be nice and start working" she rolled her eyes.

Not long after getting over the hit, he was handed his uniform and shown where to change. They did a practice run with the cash register and credit card reader and moments later came in their first customer in a while.

"Someone's here" she notified when hearing the bell ring, "Oh! It's Jungkook" she smiled.

Who? Jimin's mind went blank at the mention of that name, he quickly hid himself behind the counter, sitting on the floor to avoid being seen.

"What are you doing" Momo whispered without dropping her smile.

"Shhh please" he shook his head.

"It's your job get your ass up here!" she insisted while the boy took his coat off and laid it on the table he chose to sit in.

"Just this once! I'll work as soon as he leaves" he begged.

"Jimin!" she glared.

"Just do it yourself right now, and I promise to continue when he's out "

"This guy..." she muttered.

 It's my fucking first day! How does he do this? Jimin palmed his face.

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