The Bet

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New day at school, and what made Jungkook feel even worse was the looks he was getting and the not-so-subtle whispers between the students.

"What are you looking at" he glared at them. The teenagers looked away, but still had that mocking expression on their faces. He looked down to calm his nerves and saw a flyer at his feet. He understood what it was all about after picking it up.

"We were told to do this!" he reminded the others.

"Sure looks like you enjoyed it though" someone said from somewhere.

He groaned and stormed out to the roof, but before making any noise, he heard someone else speaking. Is my spot taken? Not when I need it-

"He's ruining my life. Why did he hug me like that" 

Well it's not like you pushed me away, Jungkook thought as he listened.

"Now everyone thinks there's something between us"

"Calm down Jimin, it's just a photo"

"A photo that says much more than there is. What do I look like now, arguing with him for two years only for a photo of us hugging in the corner of class to come out. Who took this even?" he complained.

"Look we know that you're upset, but I'm sure he's just like you right now"

"I can't believe this"

"You lied though, you said the hug wasn't huggy" Namjoon mentioned again. Jungkook hummed to himself and continued listening.

"Literally shut up right now Joon"

"But hey, I believe you if you say you didn't enjoy it" Taehyung reassured.

"What's there to enjoy, it was a hug nothing more"

"So you'd enjoy it if it was more?" Namjoon continued pushing, knowing how easy it was to tease Jimin.

"I'm... not gay? I never even thought about that" he said.

What does he mean he's not gay, I was so sure he liked men too... Jungkook pondered.

"Don't give me that incredulous look" Jimin added.

"I kinda don't believe you on this one sorry" Taehyung replied.

"You guys thought I was gay?" he asked quietly.

"Maybe a little?" Tae shrugged.

"What? No... And even if I was, I wouldn't like a guy like him" 

What is that supposed to mean... Jungkook huffed.

"Hmm, sure, if you say so..."

"You seriously don't believe that either?" 

"I always thought you two were a bit too obsessed with each other. I thought something might have happened at some point" Namjoon explained.

"If anything, he's obsessed with me and not the other way around" Jimin scoffed.

"Why are you not denying that something happened..." Tae asked suspiciously.

"No way" Namjoon gasped.

"No, no, none of that. I just didn't think I should elaborate after literally telling you I'm not interested in guys" he groaned.

"Then how about we do something? You got teamed up with him for the final exam right? So if you go through the rest of the year without anything happening, we'll drop it" Taehyung said, "But if you fail... I don't know yet but you'll do something about it publicly"

"A bet?" Jimin asked.

"I mean why not?" Namjoon agreed. 

"What do I get in return?"

"We'll treat you out to dinner or something I don't know"

Interesting, because I really want Park to lose,  Jungkook thought to himself while walking back down .

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