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"He dumped me. I fucked up" Jimin shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

"And what do you think you should do now?"

"Nothing, I can't do anything. I'm sure he'll come around though, I'll just give him time" he nodded to himself.

"Oh, you think so?"

"Yeah, that's just how Jungkook is, he'll sulk for a bit then go back to the way he was" Jimin confidently said and the girl shook her head.

"I never wanted you and Jungkookie to be a thing for this reason" she clicked her tongue.

"What reason?"

"You're taking him for granted. Jungkook isn't a child or an object Jimin, he has feelings, and he's not gonna come around if you don't do anything. You're basically giving up, and if he feels it, he will stay away trust me" she elaborated, her concern for her friend clear in her tone.

"Jimin, how do you feel about him?" she asked with a softer voice when she noticed the glossiness of his eyes.

He doesn't know, he feels good when with Jungkook, he feels comfortable and happy, he feels butterflies inside. When Jungkook sings the lyrics he wrote for him, he feels his heart beating faster. When Jungkook loves him, he feels warm.

"He doesn't love me anymore Momo, does he?"


"He stopped loving me" 

"He can't just stop loving you, Jimin... He's hurt right now and can't show you those feelings because his pride wouldn't let him, but I'm sure they are still hidden inside" she reassured the clueless boy. "Answer my question now" she insisted.

"I like him, I don't know if it's love though" he admitted, "He's just a great person and I ruined everything, what do I do Momo? I just want him here instead of you" he said and rubbed his face in frustration.

"Oh really" she huffed in disbelief, "And here I was putting my slack time into comforting your sorry ass" she fussed until he wrapped his arms around her.

"Shut up and let me hug you" he said with a breathy laugh, then felt her return the embrace.

"Didn't he say he wouldn't be here when you're in the cafe" Momo said when a new customer entered the place. Jimin pulled away and followed her gaze to find Jungkook sitting in his usual booth, starting to unpack new study material.

"He didn't know I would come in tonight for the extra money" Jimin explained, "I guess I'll leave and make up for it tomorrow, I don't want to make him feel awkward" he sighed and started undoing his apron.

He ran his hand through his hair then turned around to look at the boy he was talking about, wearing a T-shirt despite the cold weather, and reading his papers diligently.

"I'll get going now, thank you for listening to me, but I'm still giving him that time. I'll wait for a couple of days before reaching out again" he said and she nodded.

He stood up and walked out of the cafe, not sparing Jungkook another glance, but once outside, he couldn't help but shiver at the cold wind.

A T-shirt. Really? He thought.

He sighed at his own idea before going back in, and walking to the boy while removing his jacket. He made sure not to make any noice that will catch his attention and set the jacket on the backrest of his seat, then walked back out in his thin long sleeved shirt.

"It's fucking freezing!" he painfully groaned, pushing his hands deeper in the pockets of his pants as though it would change anything.

Momo noticed the little scene and chuckled. Freezing your ass off for somebody is cute, but not when he hung his own jacket before taking a seat. She looked at Jungkook's jacket on the hanger and snorted, she knows someone won't show up to that shift tomorrow.

"Why would anybody be outside in a T-shirt at this time of the night" she said to herself and looked over to Jungkook who seemed rather amused with the turn of events.

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