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"I ... Thought about it a lot last night and I came to the conclusion that I got feelings for him again" Jungkook admitted.

"Wait what do you mean again" Yoongi asked, making Jungkook sigh and cover his face.

"Park uh... I had a crush on Jimin for a few months of my first year" he said and watched them stare in shock.

"What happened?" Hoseok inquired.

"I don't know... I thought he was cool but at the same time had such elegant dancing skills, at first... But then he started talking shit about me"

"He's not gonna talk shit about you for free. It's obvious that you did something" Yoongi said as a matter of fact.

"I didn't... Okay one day we were in class, and he kept on messing up a melody so I helped him out and he said thanks" he said and stopped.

"That's not what happened"

"It is but then... Then I made a comment about his height since I was already taller than him back then"

"What did you say?"

"I said, you're like a smurf" he confessed, hearing this laughter burst out. 

"You did not say that, you dumbass " yoongi mocked.

"Smurfs are cute okay? And I was nervous for talking to my crush for the first time, I was like 2 years old" he defended.

"And now Jimin goes around the school saying that you're arrogant, which you are, but I'm pretty sure he got offended by that comment more" Hoseok laughed.

"Don't worry we'll help you with it"

"For real?"

"Yes, we're best friends right?"

"By the way, Jimin made a bet with his two friends"

"What bet?"

"Something along the lines of: if he falls for me before the end of the year, he'll say it in front of everyone"

"Why did they make that bet, why do they think Jimin could fall for you?" Yoongi said and Jin elbowed him.

"Wow thanks... I don't know, they were talking and I heard Park say that he wasn't gay and they don't believe him"

"Cool, they'll want to win their bet so I believe a crossover is in order"

"But hey guys, don't say too much, just speak with them and stuff"

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