What I Want...

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"So?" Jungkook whispered while looking at Jimin straight in the eyes. He raised a hand from his waist to dismiss some strands of hair from his eyes, gently brushing them off then making the most of the occasion by dragging his fingertips along the side of his face, until curling them behind his ear.

Great question. What does he want? He wants attention, or maybe affection? He wants Jungkook's body, or perhaps something more? 

"I don't know" he replied, breaking eye contact.

"It's okay, I'll help you figure it out" Jungkook proposed.

"I don't need your help with anything Jeon"

"Would it kill you to accept anything I'm trying to give you?" he sighed.

"I would gladly accept space if you're offering it"

"One of these days you'll regret acting like this" Jungkook warned gently running his fingertips on the back of his neck.

"Like what?"

"Like a kid" 

"I'm not acting like kid" Jimin knit his brows in disagreement.

"The more I look at you, the more convinced I am that you are one" Jungkook chuckled at the sight of the shorter's pouty lips.

"You're getting on my nerves again Jeon, don't do that" 

"Alright alright" he nodded and took a step back, "You go now, it's almost time to start classes, I'll leave after you" he said.

As planned, Jungkook left the place a bit later and made his way to class, which wasn't the most interesting. The class was divided in sections groups and alternated activities, and Jimin wasn't in the same group as him so there goes his source of entertainment. At lunch time Jungkook joined the table occupied by his friends and and dug into his food right away.

"Aren't you gonna talk about what happened this morning?" Jin asked and he immediately put his chopsticks.

"Of course man! I was waiting for you to ask so I wouldn't seem obsessed with Jimin" he sighed.

"But you... Are" Yoongi said in a factly tone.

"So? Where did you run off to?"

"The locker room in the gym, we talked a little and honestly I think he's so cute" Jungkook smiled and the others squinted their eyes at him.

"That's it? He's cute?" Jin asked curiously.

"You should see his pout" he giggled at the memory.

"Oh, I thought you were clapping cheeks or something" Yoongi sighed in disappointment.

"Do you know how round his cheeks are when he's pouting" the youngest cooed.

"Are we talking about..."

"His face. God, get your heads out of the gutter" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"The baby is in love let him have innocent thoughts for once" Jin clicked his tongue.

"You fell in so deep, and it's not that I wish you anything bad, but I really want to be there and watch you eat that ice cream and chocolate Jin will be buying you when you get heartbroken" Yoongi snickered and earned a smack from the eldest.

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