Now And Then

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Jimin was looking out the window, thinking about what happened during the day at school. He was walking in the hallways, letting his eyes wander to a familiar boy but only finding his friends instead. 

"Jimin did something happen with Jeon?" was the first question he got from Taehyung. He was tired of all the drama, tired of having to explain himself every time, and tired of Jungkook being cold towards him.

It had been two weeks since when the younger went over for the project, and Jungkook made it pretty clear that he wanted nothing to do with him anymore, they were behind on their final work and honestly, neither wanted to work on it anymore.

It was supposed to be a team effort, but there was no team anymore. Their chemistry died little by little and the project was only a burden now.

Jimin rarely saw the other, and when he did, Jungkook was in a compromising situation, sucking faces with somebody, about to, or just finished doing that. It was almost as if he chose the place knowing Jimin would walk by it. He wouldn't lie and say that it didn't hurt him, because it did. He often imagined if they were still fine, would it be him instead of the other person.

"We fell apart. He can't stand me anymore " Jimin replied nonchalantly and the others looked at each other awkwardly.

"When did you fuck up?" Namjoon asked.

"I cheated" he replied, only to elaborate when they seemed confused. "I cheated on the first 4 hours of our relationship, three weeks ago" he admitted and they gasped.

"You and Jeon were a thing?" Taehyung asked in surprise.

"A very very small thing... I ruined it" he said and started walking with them towards class.

"How the hell did you manage to cheat so early?" Yoongi knit his brows judgementally.

"There was a party and I was a tipsy... "

"When you say tipsy you mean pretty much sober of course" Tae said and Jimin nodded, "Wow that's shitty"

"Really? I didn't know that" he flatly said.

"How did you get yourself in the relationship? I thought you weren't into that" Hoseok asked, according to what the other told him about the boy.

"I wasn't and I don't think I am, but he made me change my mind. I agreed and I really thought I wanted it but my action said otherwise" Jimin explained when they leaned on one of the walls.

"And you didn't see each other ever since that time at your apartment"

"Yup. He wanted space, from me" he nodded to himself.

"This is complicated" Jin commented.

"You can try to talk to him again. I've known you long enough to tell that you feel something for him, so tell him that and go from there" Taehyung suggested and Jimin nodded pointlessly. No he wasn't going to risk another stab from someone who clearly doesn't want to be approached.

Walking by, Jimin spotted Jungkook smiling to his classmate and suddenly they locked gazes. Jimin had to hold his breath because it's the first time he saw Jungkook smiling at him again. Well technically not at him, but it still warmed him inside.

Later that day, the boys didn't cross paths until Jimin opened the door to dance class, there he saw Jungkook flirting with anther boy from their class, his neck peppered in small marks that seemed quite fresh. His chest tightened as he stomped towards them and pulled Jungkook away.

"Can you please leave I need to talk to Jungkook" he said in the calmest tone he could muster. 

"Why are you looking at me? Say what you want to say" Jungkook spoke and that was his cue to look away.

"I'm here to apologize once again Jungkook. Once fucking again because I don't want to lose you" he said and walked closer but the other took steps back to keep their distance.

"You already did and blew it twice, anything you say will sound fabricated now" he replied, "But fine, I'll let you talk... What do you want to apologize about?"

"About cheating, about lying, about taking you for granted... A bunch of stuff really"

"And what are you expecting me to do about it?"

"Try to forgive me" Jimin meekly responded.

"I forgive you" he nodded.

Jimin stared at him with wide eyes, his lips slowly curving as he walked further then embraced the younger in a tight hug. A hug the taller didn't return.

"I forgive you and that's it. It doesn't mean we're something more than again. Maybe teammates but that's as far as it gets. How about we start with a last name basis, like the old days?" Jungkook clarified.

Jimin's eyebrows twitched as he listened to the cold words, he felt Jungkook push him away softly, but frankly didn't want to register what was happening.

"We should try treating each other just like before, you know?" he added. 

"We both know that was awful Jungkook, why do you want to go back?" Jimin complained.

"Because this is worse. You see, when I love someone, I really love them. Kinda why I became a fuckboy if you ask me... But then I guess falling for a fuckboy just like me had been pretty dumb, not the best choice I made" he pursed his lips in recognition. 

"Please Jimin just go your way so I can go mine... Go find yourself a bunch of hot girls and let me go back to my routine. If you don't understand what I'm doing right now, I'm letting you go" Jungkook finished and took a deep breath.

"So...Fuck off Park" Jungkook last said and bumped shoulders with the shorter, then walked away with a straight expression.

Jimin didn't know what to feel, what to do. This may be the hardest pill he'd have to swallow. He doesn't understand why his life is going downhill on every aspect, his dad doesn't approve of his choices, he can't even see his mother, and now Jungkook gave up on him. Soon enough his friends will be tired of his shit, and he'll find himself alone.

He went to roof and sat with his thought. He never thought he's cry this much for his rival. Everything came crashing down at one as he recalled the precious moments he spent with these people he lost and was bound to lose.

He hurt Jungkook a lot, and the least he could do was help him get better. If the younger thinks staying away is the best thing to help him feel while again, he'll do it. Even if it breaks him.

The next morning was rough on him, whenever he saw Jungkook passing by they would exchange cold glares.

"Does he know about your little tic-tac?" Jimin snorted when he saw him talking to that same boy from last time.

"Your insults are worse every time" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"He could screw a cheerio without breaking it" Jimin said to the random boy hanging around his Jungkook everyday.

"Park why don't you go do something instead of speaking about my dick, are you that interested? I don't feel like playing this game with you" he said with disdain.

"Cause you can't, I'll prescribe a pair of testicles for you" he added and left the place with a heavy heart.

Jungkook appreciated that, he appreciated the effort even though he knew Jimin didn't want to go back to their bullying, or whatever that was.

However, it started to weigh on Jimin when Jungkook flaunted his success at moving on all the time. He didn't want this to continue, but he couldn't talk to him about it again knowing it was going to have the same outcome as always. 

He had to stay away but Jungkook wasn't making it easier to avoid him. Sometimes he would go where Jimin was just to pick a fight with him. It was becoming annoying, as if the younger was getting revenge through it. Maybe he didn't realize it, but it was pushing Jimin to the edge.

He pulled his phone out and dialled a number.

"I'll go there"

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