You and I

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Sorry for the long wait!!
Overall cute chapter BUT
mature content ahead!!!
Hope you enjoy!!


" baby where are you going? " Jimin asked the younger, and he blushed.

" I'm just going to lock the door, I have something important to talk to you about " Jungkook said in a nervous tone and Jimin was confused.

" what is it? Is it your dad? ...Is it our relationship? Do you think we're not doing fine? "Jimin started asking and Jungkook smiled, placing a small peck on his forehead before sitting down and holding both his small hands and his big ones.

" no sweetie... I don't know how to say this, I... "

" are you sick? Baby please tell me, stop beating around the bush " jimin said in frustration as his heart started beating furiously.

" I don't know how to approach this subject Jimin! It's stressing me out and I don't know how to word it out to you... I don't want to hurt you or offend you... I don't want to scare you babe " Jungkook said truthfully and Jimin found himself worrying like crazy.

" am I not good enough? Are you gonna say that our relationship is boring?... Did I gain weight? I swear I'll work out!... Is it about the project? Maybe my voice isn't that good for you... I'll work hard! " Jimin stammered and Jungkook had to kiss him passionately to shut him up. They broke away, forehead against one another's, and Jungkook stared deeply in Jimin's eyes.

" you're perfect Jimin, never think low about yourself. I will always love you the way you are okay? That's not it " Jungkook said and Jimin huffed.

" well then what is it?! "Jimin shouted and Jungkook gave up.

" who's gonna top!? " he blurted out and Jimin blinked.

" I want to top you Jimin but I don't know how you'll react. I've had sex with dudes before but you haven't. I don't wanna hurt you but at the same time I can't let you experiment on me " Jungkook explained in a serious voice and Jimin burst out laughing.

" is that it?? You freaked out about that? Oh my god I thought you were dying, or you were moving away... Seriously dumbass " he said and Jungkook blushed in embarrassment.

" well I want to have sex with you that's why I was thinking so hard about it " Jungkook confessed and Jimin stopped laughing before pressing his lips on Jungkook's cheek.

" I want that too, but it's no reason to act like you did. I thought about your question a lot before and I think, just as you said, I wouldn't know how to please you if I ever top you, and you obviously have more expertise, so I'll let you top me if that's the only issue " Jimin said with a small smile and Jungkook grinned.

" yeah! Man I really didn't wanna bottom " he said in relief and Jimin hit his arm.

The boys had just finished making their choreography, polishing it nicely and practicing a few more times. Once they were satisfied with the results, they called it a day and went over to Jimin's apartment.

" I'll go make dinner " Jungkook said and Jimin raised his eyebrows.

" you cook? "

" well I have to, considering my dad is never home, or is always drunk or at least tipsy " Jungkook explained and took a look at Jimin's fridge.

" you have no groceries, what do you live on? I thought you didn't have that much money to eat out everyday " he asked and his boyfriend hugged him from behind while grunting.

" I ran out of stuff and didn't have time to go grocery shopping, stop scolding me " he said and Jungkook chuckled.

" I ain't scolding anybody, now how are we gonna make dinner?" Jungkook spoke and closed the fridge again.

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