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"So... I confessed"

"You what?"

They were all sitting in the gymnasium excluding Jimin because he hadn't arrive to school yet, and the boys took the opportunity to asked about the progress in their relationship. This time, it was both the groups combined, one trying to help their friends and the other trying to win a silly bet.

"What do you mean you confessed, do you perhaps like Jimin?" Taehyung shrieked and the others frowned at him.

"What? Am I the only one who didn't know?" he asked as he looked at the unimpressed faces around him.

"Well Jungkook told us a few weeks ago, but Namjoon seems to have realized by himself" Jin pointed out.

"How dare you not tell me Moni!" Tae said with an exaggerated gasp.

"I thought you found out too. Don't worry next time I'll remember how slow you are" he snickered and was punched in the arm in return.

"You're missing the point" Jungkook returned to the topic.

"Right, how did that happen?" Hoseok asked.

"Well we were chatting in the cafe, and I told him about my parents, and he took me to an arcade to cheer me up. I don't know it felt nice so I kissed him and told him the truth" he explained.

"You're in deep, huh?" Jin raised his brows.

"What dd he say?" Namjoon asked.

"He didn't know what to say so I told him to just sleep on it"

"You know Moni and I support you guys, we think Jimini really needs a love life for" Taehyung nodded at his own words.

"Honestly I'm just mad that we're his best friends and he isn't telling us anything about this" Namjoon shrugged.

----- A few moments later:


Jimin, Tae and Namjoon were in the bathroom. The two boys followed him in when they saw how panicked he looked that morning.

"Slow down buddy, come one, say that again but in actual separate words" Namjoon requested.

"Jungkook confessed to me last night and I don't feel the same but I don't want to reject him" Jimin reiterated.

"Finally telling us stuff" Taehyung sighed.


"We knew this since class started today and you told us a few hours later and only after pushing you to it. We are your best friends we're not gonna judge you" tae said.

"Who told you? Does anyone else know?" Jimin urged.

"Jungkook told his friends and we were there too, only us " Namjoon replied.

"Thank god. I'm sorry guys I just don't know what to think of all this" Jimin groaned.

"You said something about kisses, didn't you?" Taehyung teased, and it might not be the most appropriate timing but when did he ever care. "We know about that too, I actually saw you two in the infirmary" he admitted.

"You were stalking us?" Jimin knit his brows.

"There's an us now?"

"I mean me. And him. But mostly me" he corrected.


"Just- what should I do about this, I'm so confused" he complained, it was the first time he was so torn over a simple confession.

"He just wanted you to know how he felt, right? You don't actually have to do anything about it. Just don't string him on if you're not about it" Namjoon suggested and the other nodded.

"Okay... Okay I'll do that" he agreed. "Thank you"

"Always, but I swear if you hide something again, I'll join Jungkook's side" Namjoon warned.

"You wouldn't" Jimin replied calling his bluff.

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