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At lunch, Jimin joined his friends at the table and greeted them, but both had a suspecting look on their faces.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh nothing ... We were just informed of the challenge you had the other day against the asshole over there" Tae said pointing at Jungkook on the other side of the table.

"Yeah he walked out cause he knows I'm better"

"You didn't even mention it even though we had lunch together that day" Namjoon said.

"I just didn't think it was... Nevermind"

"What's going on? You seem lost. Is it your dad?" Tae asked softly and Jimin nodded.

"He made me choose between arts and him, again"

"And you chose arts. I'm not in any place to say this but, it's still your dad" Tae mumbled.

"He's never been a dad Tae, all he did was to control my life and keep me away from my mom"

"I know, I know... And what did he do when you made you choice?"

"He took my car and credit card, then kicked me out the house" Jimin replied with a tight smile.

"No way.." Namjoon said surprised.

"Where are you staying though?"

"I stole the key to one of the apartments downtown, not like he's gonna notice. He'd have to be home for that" he shook his head.

"Damn... Well, if something goes wrong you can come to my house okay?" Namjoon offered.

"Mine too" Tae added.

"Thank you guys"

"Other than that, did something else happen?" Namjoon pointed out and Jimin sunk in his chair at the memory, giving them a hint on what it was about.

"Jeon is driving you crazy, I'm telling you" Namjoon chuckled.

"I was teamed up with him for the final exam" he announced.

"They actually put you two together? Even when you're always fighting?"

"Right? You think they'd have some common sense but..." Jimin sighed.

"I'm with two of Jeon's friends and they're nicer than they seem" Namjoon shrugged.

"Yeah I'm with Jung Hoseok, and he's so funny I swear " Taehyung laughed.

"And I got the worst of the bunch" Jimin groaned.

"Did he do something again?" 

"Well we almost bickered again this morning and the Urban teacher said we had to talk it out and start getting along" he replied, "We did talk for a bit and it seems like we just naturally don't click, but maybe we can try to just get through this project and I won't ever have to see him again" he said before leaning back on his chair. 

His friend nodded in agreement and he stole a few glances at the other group, seeing them chat and laugh together as if nothing bothered them. Was Jungkook honest when he said he wanted it to stop? Could they ever actually become friends? Maybe that was too big a word.

"Yeah, just keep your eyes on the prize" Namjoon responded.

"Who knows, maybe you're wrong about him just like he's wrong about you" Taehyung suggested, "I definitely judged Hoseok way differently because he hung out with Jeon so... I don't know, he's gotta be nice enough to have 3 decent friends" he added.

"Yeah that could be true" Jimin nodded, "I mean I never really had to chance to talk to him without us mocking each other"

"It would be crazy to see you two hang out those I have to admit" Namjoon pointed out.

"Yeah, I think so too" Jimin chuckled, "If yesterday you told me I would be hugging Jeon in my lifetime I would've laughed at you"

"Wait you hugged Jeon?"

"When did that happen?"

"After the whole talking things through, the teacher made us do it" he clicked his tongue. 

"He seems the type to do that" Taehyung wondered.

"So? Was it huggy or like quick"

"That is such an odd question to ask" Jimin huffed, "Being the child he is, he tried to suffocate me at first, so no, not huggy" he lied, in fact he didn't even want to think about it that way. 

"Yeah figured" Namjoon acknowledged. 


"Are you still mad you lost to Park that day?" Hoseok asked when Jungkook didn't seem to be in his right mind.

"Speaking of which, his friend is pointing over here" Yoongi informed.


"Taehyung? He's a fun guy, I was teamed-up with him for the final project. How about you guys?" Hoseok mentioned.

"I'm with Jin-hyung and Park's other friend, Kim Namjoon" Yoongi replied

"Yeah he's really good at what he does honestly, especially writing lyrics" Jin said with an acknowledging tone.

"Who are you with Jungkookie? Or does it even matter? You'll find everyone inferior than you" Hoseok said.

"Don't be harsh, he just tries to help the others, somewhat rudely though" Jin pointed out

"I agree with them both, but we're friends so we should at least pretend to care" Yoongi added.

Jungkook looked at them with narrowed eyes thinking, why am I even friends with you? But stayed quiet in an attempt to dodge to question.

"Alright if you don't want to say, that makes less complaining for us" Jin shrugged.

"Park" he mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" Hoseok asked oblivious.

"I got assigned to work with Park" he spoke up.

"For real?"

"Yeah...? Let's just move on" Jungkook sighed.

"I don't think you're gonna pass" Yoongi deadpanned.

"Trust me I was thinking the same thing, but I feel like after this morning I might have a chance" he agreed.

"What happened this morning?" Hoseok said curiously

"The teacher saw us arguing and made us apologize to each other, which now that I think about it, shorty didn't apologize for anything in the end" he wondered out loud.

"So you're telling me you did?" Yoongi laughed.

"Shut up" Jungkook whined.

"What did you say?" Hoseok asked, amused.

"Just that I don't like fighting with him and that maybe it'd be nice if we tried to get along for real" he replied.

"That's good, why do you seem sad about it? Did he refuse?"

"No it just reminded me of last night, dad brought up going to art college and was guilt-tripping me again... I'm just so tired of convincing him"

"But it's your future" Yoongi said.

"I know but I don't want to disappoint him and he always looks so sad whenever I mention it" he ran his hand trough his hair and closed his eyes.

"What does this have to do with Park though" Jin asked.

"You see the way we behave with each other, it just makes me hate this place even more. Maybe if I'm gonna do this, I should at least enjoy it a little" he shrugged.

"Why not try and befriend him?" Hoseok proposed.

"Yeah you don't just go to someone you don't like and hug him"

"We might've already done that actually, the teacher's idea to mark the start if a new friendship he called it" Jungkook informed.

"There you go, step one complete" Yoongi shrugged.

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