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Physical Education, possibly one of his favorite classes after singing. Jungkook saw Jimin walking late towards the gym while grabbing the basketballs from the gym lockers and followed him with his eyes until he disappeared around a corner. 

He was dragging the cart towards the indoor sports court when he passed by the changing rooms and caught a glimpse of said boy putting his changing bag down. He peeked from the door gap and left again once he noticed him beginning to lift his shirt. He was not a creep.

He started warming up with the rest of the students by running a few laps around the vast place. However, he couldn't take his eyes off of the other male, whom- now that he takes a closer look- didn't look in his best shape.

He looks sick, he thought to himself. But before he could analyze him any further, Jimin collapsed in the floor making everyone gasp in surprise.

"What is happening here?" the coach asked looking at the students circling the weak boy.

"Park Jimin fainted" a student informed and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Don't just stand and stare, help him!" the coach scolded in disbelief as he jogged over

"I'll take him to the infirmary" Jungkook announced.

"No thanks Jeon, I don't want to risk finding him abandoned in a storage room" he said in a factly tone.

"I'm not that bad of a person" he huffed, already curling his arms around the boy's limp body.

He's burning up... Weird, I just saw him last night and he was alright. I'll just let the nurse take care of him. He entered the room and placed Jimin on one of the mattresses.

"What happened to him, Jeon?" asked the nurse once she saw who he brought in.

"He fainted, kind of, I think he has a fever" he pointed out.

"Okay don't worry, he'll feel better after the right medication" she reassured.

"I wasn't worried" he shrugged.

"Alright. Do you mind staying with him please love, I have to run to the administration and fill some documents" she said after taking the sick boy's temperature.

"Sure" he nodded.

After she left, Jungkook sat on the chair near the bed and looked at him sleep peacefully, his lips slightly curved up as he ran his fingers in his hair, trailing them down his nose and tapping it lightly before Jimin scrunched it subconsciously.

"Will you ever love me back?" he whispered. Though he didn't get to enjoy those nice and quiet moments for long when the boy fluttered his eyes open, dizzy and confused.

"Where am I?"

"The infirmary" jungkook spoke.

"What? What are you doing here?" he groaned in pain from his headache.

"I brought you here when you collapsed at the gym, you should thank me since all of them kept staring at you on the floor instead of helping" he stated, watching his rub his eyes to clear his vision. 

"I'll be leaving now" Jimin said and propped himself up but failed at keeping balance.

"Woah you should relax a bit more" he said softly, pushing him back.

"Why do you even care" Jimin snapped, pushing the other's buttons one too many times.

"What is wrong with you. You insult me then hug me like you like me. Last night you were all nice and talkative, but now you wanna push me away? I don't get you anymore" he frowned before heading to the door .

"Where are you going" Jimin said and jungkook complied.

"Somewhere I'm appreciated for taking care of you"

"Thank you... Thank you and I'm sorry" he rectified, he did appreciate him for doing this he was just still dazed. 

"I so wanna punch you right now" Jungkook shook his head before walking back to his seat, the nurse did leave him there to keep an eye on the patient so the least he could do is wait for her to be back.

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