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September 01, 2016; 10:30 am

"I swear! I could've shove my pen to his face!" Minsook rants about her seat mate as we both settle ourselves at the cafeteria— the guy appeared to be such a pain according to her. I sip on my drink before averting my gaze to girl in front of me, "Well, that's brutal though," I chuckle before adding, "The top reason why no boys would dare to court you," I smirked, knowing how much that fact triggers the crap out of her.

Minsook almost choked on her food, causing her to cough violently before her gaze lands on me— her ears turn red and her eyes widen. "Why you—!" I let out a groan as her hand hit my arm with much force.

Though in reality, Minsook is actually just a fragile and shy girl.

She then stick out her tongue— as if trying to mock me. I raise my hand— was about to do a payback when I hear something suspicious that prevent me from doing so.

"Hey did you just see what happened to Jisoong sunbae in front of room 1997?"

My hand froze midway as my ears perk up, suddenly feeling alerted and for some reasons— nervous.

"Yes! It was so horrible! I already can tell that I won't sleep later this night!"

Silence engulfs Minsook and I, she probably overheard the conversation of those students as well since Minsook suddenly halts her actions as well, "Hana..." I hear her mutter. My gaze lands on her shaking pupils, looking so confuse and puzzle just like me.

We stare for a while as if like talking through the eye before I stand up, offering my hand for her to take, "C'mon," I said.

Walking to my side, Minsook nudges my side before whispering, "Why do you think the girl said that she won't be able to sleep later this night?" I simply just shrug my shoulders— I hardly even know a clue what's going on so how am I suppose to know?

As we both step out of the hallway, random students are scattered around, having their own worlds— but still, I can hear that the topic of every conversation is about this specific room. Room 1997, huh? I know that room was located on the third floor of the building.

"Come on, let's check out this room 1997 thingy," grabbing my best friend's wrist, I then drag her to the stairs, honestly saying I haven't gone to the third floor because my room was just located on the second floor of the building anyway— I wonder what's so thrilling about this 1997 issue that everyone has gone talking about it.

"I don't think we should continue, Hana..." Minsook mutters before she halted on her tracks making me to stop as well. I look at her, raising a brow, "Why won't we?" Though I already knew why basing at how her hands shake slightly.

"I.. I don't know— I just have this anxious feeling..." she trails off before letting her eyes explore, staring everywhere but me. I tug Minsook's wrist signaling her that we should continue anyway, "Aw, come on, Minsook" I whined, a pout forming on my lips.

The girl just sighed, even muttering something— probably questioning herself why didn't she protested at the first place before nodding, causing me to smile in victory as I tug her wrist once again.

I noticed that she was still uncomfortable, so I stop for a brief of a moment and throw her a gentle smile, "We're just going to see what is it, okay? Then we're off to go."


"Why are there so many students around here?" I utter while I'm on my tip toes— the scene was completely blocked due to the number of students that was gathering here. On my peripheral vision, I saw Minsook jumping up and down, trying to have the chance to peek. My hand came to rub my face, slightly irritated at the situation— pulling Minsook with me, I then squished ourselves in the crowd just to see what is happening.

"Oh my God!" Minsook yelps, throwing herself to me, her whimpers are loud and clear to me as she hide her face to my shoulder— purposely blocking the sight, while I on the other hand stood frozen, shocked on what I am seeing.

In front of me is a senior student whom I assume is Jisoonghis eyes have been plucked out while his tongue had been cut, his own blood showered his upper chest. While on the other side, I see trails of blood leading forward as if a bloody corpse had been dragged to that direction.

As my eyes follow the trails of blood, I caught a glimpse of a lonely figure of a boy among the crowd of students. At first, I assumed that he was just a curious student as well that just wanted to see what happened, but then— there's something about him that make me to stare at him longer.

He is tall to the point that you should really look up, have really pale skin, paper white-colored lips and long tousled hair that's covering his eyes with a scar on the area of his cheek, but my eyebrows knitted together when I notice his messy uniform, as if it was not ironed properly and his collar was facing upwards, one button is undone while the fabric also had a few droplets and splatters of blood, while on the side of his polo had a long cut.

I can't determine where he's looking at, but weird enough, I can feel his gaze at me that have bring chills down my spine.

Everything around me went silent and blurry as I focus on the mysterious boy— no it's not like in those romantic stories that everything went into a slow motion because you see a person whom you assume was a gift from heaven— I'd rather say that everything went to slow motion because I just saw a demon who came from hell.

A hand lands on top of my shoulder, startling me in process before I release a yelp as well, "Hana.." a voice wakes me up, and there I realize that it was just my best friend, her eyes are red and puffy— she probably cried out of fear. I sigh before patting her head and rubbing circles on her back, trying to calm her down.

"Come on now..." I whisper to Minsook's ear before gently dragging her out of this scene, slightly guilty. But before we can go farther, I snap my head back where I saw the mysterious boy— only to see him not there anymore. I sigh before  shaking my head and walked away.


And because I was inspired I decided to update, and what the? Just what the? Room 1997 ranked #236 in horror?! that was fast! 😱 thanks guys!

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