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September 3, 2016; 10:00 am

Third Person's P.O.V.

Walking down at the hallway along with the flood of students, a certain someone had this gloomy aura around her as her long black hair almost covered her face. Hugging her books close to her chest, she looked up and saw the news on the bulletin board.

September 1, 2016

Park Jisoong of class 3-A was found dead and was brutally killed in front of room 1997 while his classmate Kwon Beomjun is reported missing.

Both cases are still not solved.


September 2, 2016

Two students from class 2-A, who's known as Min Yoongi and Lee Hana, together with one student from class 2-B who's known as Oh Minsook, is reported missing.

Cases are still not solved.

She bit her lip upon remembering how Jisoonh looked like when she saw his corpse lying aimlessly on the ground— she can't help but to feel anxious when she also found out that day that Beomjun went missing.

Suddenly, the scenes of her together with Beomjun and Jisoong killing a poor student inside that specific room came rushing in her mind. Landing a hand on her forehead, she shake her head slightly— hoping to get rid of the memory, the feeling of being guilty started to build up in her chest once again.

I only did it so that he won't interfere me and Yoongi again, he's a pest. She thought and can't help, but to feel sad when she also heard that Yoongi, her ultimate crush, have gone missing.

She look up once again, and she's right, the article is still posted even it's already a year had passed since that incident happened.

August 31, 2015

Jeon Jeongguk, a freshman, was found dead inside room 1997. The killers are wise enough to use gloves so that their fingerprints won't be tracked.

Case is still not solved.

Sighing away the guilt, she just started to walk before her figure also became part of the crowd.


September 3, 2016; 3:49 pm

"So even a living thing is already dead, the muscles are still responding when it is strike by electricity," Their current teacher explained as the projector shows an  example on where a dead frog was placed on a lab table while the scientists attached an electric clamp on the frog's dead body. Later on when the power source is on and the electricity flow on the wires, the leg of the frog suddenly stretched up as it croaked out.

The other students are amused while that certain someone just watched it with a bored expression, showing that she's not interested at all, Just freaking admit that you just got that from Frakenwinnie or whatever that kid's movie is.

xSchool Sucksx

She wrote on her notebook, her lips pouting as she doodled the background when suddenly, she felt a cold hand held her ankle that made her yelp and drop her pen afterwards.

Room 1997 | J. Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now