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Yoongi's P.O.V.

Where the heck am I? I asked in my thought while wandering my eyes around— an empty dark hallway together with the grey clouds that is covering up the light that comes from the sun welcomed me.

Wait, this looks familiar.

"I'm sorry!" A voice of a boy echoed, startling me a bit before it is followed by grunts as if the owner of the voice was being beaten up, the voice is quite familiar. "Heh, weakling. Stand up there, freak!" A tougher and thug-like voice was now heard before it was followed by laughs, it seemed like a group of bullies are beating up a poor student again.

"I said I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" The voice from before now was weak, pleading.

"Hey~ Look at here, he had a smooth skin though! Oh, and a nice jawline!" A new voice was heard, "What do you think, boss?" Another voice said, but this time, it was a voice of a girl.

I'm not going to lie, these voices are all familiar to me, but for some reasons, I am having some trouble to pinpoint who the owner of the voices are.

"Hmm, lemme see... hand me a pen," The voice, whom I assume the voice of their boss, replied. I kept my mouth sealed, trying to stay silent as possible, but I can't help but to wonder why my body can't move even a single muscle.

Suddenly, my surroundings started to spin in a very fast motion that it almost make me dizzy that I even almost loose my balance from the dizziness that it caused. Later on, the spinning motion slowed down and I was in a different location now. A dark room.

"Don't, please!"

The weak voice of the boy from before echoed once again— when I realize that I can move my body, I abruptly turn around to see what is happening, and my eyes automatically widened as the scene in front of me unfold.

A boy who was held by the two bullies in their hands, was my brother, Jeongguk— his arms are being held by a boy and girl that prevents him from escaping, while a boy was standing in front of him, a pen was in his hand, a sly smirk was playing along in his lips. And I can't believe it when I recognized who he is.

"I'm begging you Jisoong sunbae, don't!" Jeongguk pleaded as Jisoong neared the pen in his cheek.

No! I shouted inside my thoughts, but my body won't move once again, it's as if my feet was nailed— I can't even utter a word at this point.

Jisoong put a hand on his chin as if his thinking, but the truth is he's just mocking Jeongguk, "Lemme guess... no," He laughed like a maniac before he finally landed the tip of the pen on Jeongguk's cheek, tears are already forming in my brother's eyes as he try to scream for help but one of Jisoong's minion covered his mouth.

Bastard! My mind shouted, but my body won't still move.

Slowly, Jisoong deepened the tip of the pen until it finally sink in Jeongguk's cheek. Stop! My mind shouted once again, but body is still frozen— without me even realizing, there are actual tears that are forming in my eyes.

Jeongguk let out muffle screams as tears are already streaming in his cheeks as the bastard started to move the pen in a horizontal way, creating a scar in my brother's cheek.

Stop it! But my body won't still listen to what my brain commands. My eyes then darted to the guy who covers Jeongguk's mouth and my eyes automatically widened. Beomjun?

The next thing I knew, everything was spinning once again making me dizzy for the second time, after what seemed like houts, the spinning finally died down and another scenario was playing in front of me.

"Jeongguk!" Before me was the younger me, knelt down on the ground while holding a boy in his arms, the part of the other boy's abdomen had a wound which looks like he'd been stabbed countless of times, a pool of blood is scattered in the floor— coating both of them with the red and thick liquid.

The boy who is lying in the ground had a large scar that is drew in his cheek, had tousled hair and his long bangs were covering his eyes. Jeongguk-ah... the tears that had formed in my eyes was now streaming down my cheeks as the only thing that I could do was watch.

No, my thoughts said as I stare at the scenario in front of me, No, stop this!

"Who did this to you?!" The younger me asked as he brought Jeongguk closer in his embrace. Jeongguk started to cough blood— his breathing was now unsteady.

Slowly, the scenario started to fade away, leaving me alone in darkness.

After s minute or two had passed, I already can move my body. I look around, there's no one here except for me. Or so that's what I thought.

"Hyung..." a voice called not from afar, making me snap my gaze to where the direction of the voice came from be.

There in a distance, I saw a blurred figure of a boy standing in the middle of nowhere like me, and all that I can see is the sheepish grin that was plastered in his lips.

Slowly, the boy stretch out his hand, before letting out a statement that scared the hell out of me.

"Let's play."


I jerked up from my bed and cold sweats have formed in my forehead while I let out heavy breaths as the same time.

Looking outside, I saw that it is still dark, I get my phone to check the date and time, September 2, 2016; 3:00 am.

A sigh escaped my lips, feeling tired for some unknown reasons— but what bothers me is, why did even I dreamt of Jeongguk's death? And who is the boy who appeared in the end of my dream?

And why is he inviting me to play with him? What does he mean by that?


Anyway, does this chapter makes sense? No? Okay ;-; *jumps off a cliff*

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