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Yoongi's P.O.V.

Urgh... where am I?

I blink my eyes multiple times when I started to gain back my consciousness, and that's when I realize that I'm sitting on a ground— it felt sticky for some reasons as if it's covered by fresh blood, a dim green light not so far away from me.

Looking down at my palm, I brought it near my nose to confirm what this sticky substance is, and I almost puke at how disgusting it smells like, it completely smells like blood together with the smell of rotten flesh. I looked up and thanks to the dim light, I can tell I'm seeing cob webs all over the place— what kind of place is this, am I still at the school?

"How did I get in her— ah!" I exclaimed unexpectedly when I landed my hand in my head, feeling a sting on my scalp— the bruises on my hands don't go unnoticed as I could feel that that it was stained with, but not only that, I can also see a letter drawn on the top of my hand, but since the dim light is just only the source of brightness— I can't tell what letter it is. Tracing it with the use of my fingertips, I finally can make it out.


How on earth do I have this letter when I don't even have a tattoo? What does it even mean?

"Wait, how did I get in here in the first place?" I muttered under my breath, closing my eyes and trying to recall what happened before I end up here.

"You came hyung, don't worry you'll enjoy here."

I snapped my eyes open when a familiar voice lingered in my head. That's it, I was trying to open up the door when someone blocked my eyesight before I lose my consciousness, the fact that the voice was familiar gave me the chills.

"I have to get out of here," I mumbled and tried to stand up, but unexpectedly, I fall flat in my stomach. "What the heck?!" I exclaimed and supported myself to sat up, placing my hand on my left leg, I let my hand travel down to foot and felt a hard and cold metal wrap around on my ankle.

But I have an odd feeling going on my right leg, something's wrong.

Doing the same process on what I did on my left leg, I let my hand travel downwards until it reached to touch my right foot, but horror flooded my chest when I only felt fresh flesh and blood dripping on my ankle.

What the actual fck?! I blinked my eyes multiple times, panic was rising inside me— but I shook my head before doing the same process again, but I still can't feel my right foot. It feels like... I have lost my right foot.

"Looking for this?" A voice said out of nowhere had made me to lift my head up to see who it might be, but I see no one. "Show yourself, asshole!" I shouted in rage.

A moment later, light footsteps are heard before I saw a figure of a boy stepping out of the darkness and let himself to be exposed by the use of the dim light.

Tousled hair with long bangs covering his eyes, pale skin, a scar in his cheek, and a sly smirk playing on his paper white lips— the fact that he looks like he's not really alive gave me the chills, but I shrugged that off as I glared at him.

Son of a btch, but what caught my attention was the thing in his hand.

A foot. A right foot.

"You're looking for this, aren't you hyung?" He spoke using his hoarse voice, lifting up the foot in his hand. I attempted to stand up but since my left foot was chained and I no longer have a right foot, I lose my balance making me fall once again, but my reflexes are faster this time. Using my hands to support me, I've prevented my body from hitting the ground once again.

But, did this boy actually called me hyung? Why does he sound like... No that's impossible!

I growled and look up to the boy, his smirk growing wider that it almost crack up the wound of his cheek. "Too bad, this is my new toy now, and I don't plan of returning it back right away," He said as he flashed his long and sharp nails, and without warning, he pierced my right foot with it, and at the very exact time, I felt like being stabbed on my back.

A sudden scream escaped my lips as he pull out his nail before he pierced it again and again, while I on the other hand— it felt like I was like stabbed by thousands of swords on every part of my body.

It looks like my foot stands the role of a voodoo doll while I am the victim that's being played by a demon, how great was that?

After what seem like hours, I was panting heavily on the ground, deep wounds and scratches all over my body as I bathe in my own blood.

"Ah, that was refreshing~ don't you think hyung?" I heard him chirped and I forced my head to look up and even saw him stretching.

Too tired to speak, I lifted up my hand and flick off my middle finger to him, but he just laugh that made my brows to meet. "Typical Yoongi hyung." He said in a very familiar voice, and my eyes went wide in instant, He even know my name... Does that really mean that he is—

And before I could finish even my thoughts, I saw him crack the bones the middle finger of my foot that is still lying in his hands— and at the very exact time, I felt the bones of both of my middle fingers of my hand cracked, like it was smashed by a mallet.

"Argh, fcking sht!" I exclaimed as the pain won't subside.

A sinister laugh echoed through the whole place before I felt a presence right next to me.

"I enjoyed playing with you, hyung, it just felt like one of those days when we're still kids. I missed it, not gonna lie— sadly, I have to go now, see ya around hyung," And after that, I felt his presence vanished into the thin air.

As much as I tried convincing myself that supernatural beings such as ghosts aren't real, it made me doubt if my beliefs are real after hearing all of his words, how he confidently addressed me as hyung and how he casually says my name, he even mentioned us playing back then. By that, I finally let myself realize something— but, there's a single question lingering in my mind now.

Why are doing this? My brother?


I'm so sorry if this turn out boring and not scary at all ;-; I'm having a hard time to imagine a goresome scenes especially when horror is not my speciality *cries in the corner*

But meh, I hope you enjoyed it, hakhakhak XD

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