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Minsook's P.O.V.

"Come on, let's play."

"Come on, let's play."

"Come on, let's play."


The cold and hard thing on my wrist had made me flash my eyes open— I started to gain my consciousness back. But then, my eyes caught a green, but dim, light was about a meter away from me, I could care less about it though as I tried to examine the place, but everything came out as blur— probably my eyes wasn't still used to the dark.

Feeling weak, my own legs can't support my weight anymore, which had caused me to plop down on the ground— my throat also feels dry and it was asking for water already, I honestly can compare myself now to a dead person.

I moved my hands, and that's when I suddenly heard clanking sounds, something similar to the sound of chains, though I'm kind of weirded out, I decided to look down, I'm chained? How even—

"Ah, you're awake already," A voice echoed in the thin air which had send chills down my spine, making me also to widen my eyes and search around as my eyes had finally adjusted from the amount of darkness, that's when I realize that I was in a narrow room, so basically saying, it looks like I'm a prisoner now.

Taking a deep breath, "Show yourself!" I shouted and at the exact time, bats started to come out of nowhere and started to fly, scratching my uniform as their sharp nails were digging into my skin as well, creating deep scars.

My screams started to echo through the whole place, it's almost deafening that it made my own ears hurt.

Thanks to the dim light, I can see the bats already leaving me alone the weird sound of their flapping wings started to fade, flying up high in the darkness until they cannot be seen anymore.

With my hands, I touched my face and I instantly hissed, seems like my face now is full of scars too, huh? Without knowing, tears already rolled down my cheeks— the salty substance just made my scars to sting even more. I hissed and with the use of my now torn uniform, I wiped my tears harshly, but I quickly regretted it once my scars stinged even worse. How dumb of you, Minsook, I could hear a voice at the back of my head mocked.

After a minute or so, a shiver run down my spine when I felt a cold hand landed on my leg, I look around, but I see no one.

The cold hand started to travel up to my thigh making me to cry out loud due to nervousness and disgust. I'm not informed that this creature is a pervert, "Get away from me!" I shouted before kicking, but who am I kidding? He's a ghost or any sort of supernatural being, my feet might just went through his body. The sound of an evil chuckle lingered in my ear, and I can feel him, he's just beside me, but I can't see him.

He still had his hand on my thigh and I can feel he's sharp fingers trailing and poking my skin. I bit my lip to muffle my sobs, I don't want to please him by my cries, but he just suddenly grabbed onto my thigh, his nails started to dig in my flesh— feeling the blood oozing out in process. Finally, without me realizing, I let out an ear piercing scream as his nails dug even deeper.

"Yes, that's what I wanted to hear," He uttered in a sadistic way before harshly pulling out his nails, ripping my flesh in process. Biting my lips harshly, I can taste the blood that drips on my mouth as I prevent myself to cry as I have know that it'll only please him even more.

"Well, it'll not be fun if I kill you right now, yeah? I'll just play with your best friend for now, or to my hyung, perhaps?" And a creepy laugh escaped his lips creating goosebumps all around in my body. And wait, what did he say? My best friend? Hana?

"Enjoy yourself here," He whispered in my ear before I feel a wet and slimy thing on my earlobe. What the—?! "Ah, your best friend tastes sweeter. Bye for now, I'm gonna play with her for a bit," And his presence disappeared into the thin air.

What just happened was too much for my brain to absorb, it felt like a nightmare that just fused with the reality— beyond impossible and unbelievable.

But knowing that my best friend was here as well, my worry even increased as I wonder.

What did we put ourselves into?


Room 1997 | J. Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now