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August 14, 2015; 9:15 am

A boy with a tousled brown hair hid himself behind a tree before peeking his head to see the girl he'd been admiring for almost a year.

There she is, laughing with her best friend Minsook.

"Yah," A deep voice had made him jump from where he's hiding. "Aish, don't do that again, Yoongi hyung!"  He whisper-yelled while eyeing his brother who's chuckling at how he got easily startled.

"Okay, okay. Now, what do we have here?" Yoongi ask before throwing an arm around the boy's shoulder as he landed his stare to where the latter is looking. "Stalking her, again?" Yoongi teased as he elbowed the younger boy beside him.

"Shut up, hyung," The boy said which he received a smack in the head in process. "Aish, you're such a wimp, Jeongguk-ah."

Snorting, Jeongguk shook his head as he just continued to stared at the girl, who's none other than Lee Hana. "Why does she have to be so..." he trailed off, eyes are not leaving the girl.

"So... what?" Yoongi asked while he look at his younger brother who's status is a hopeless romantic person.

"Words isn't enough to describe her, hyung," Jeongguk answered making his brother cringed as he scrunched his nose upon the latter's remark. "Since when did you become so cheesy?" He heard Yoongi retorted, but just decided not to answer.

A laugh escaped Hana's lips as Minsook probably said a joke. Mirroring the smile, Jeongguk just stared at the girl his been admiring, not giving any attention to the presence of his brother anymore.

But then his smile was wiped off his face when he saw three of the most known seniors in the campus.

Jisoongs, Beomjun, and Chonmi... Jeongguk thought as he stared at the three figure nearing Hana and Minsook's direction.

Jeongguk's eyes automatically rolled when he saw how Chonmi looked around the whole place as if she's finding something, or more rather someone. "She's probably looking for Yoongi hyung, ugh, sorry but I ain't letting you to near my brother," Jeongguk muttered under his breath.

"Yah, I'm going to the classroom now, buddy. You're lucky enough that we're classmates that you can copy my notes," Yoongi's voice said in the background, probably iritated when he also saw Chonmi's face, while Jeongguk just replied him with a nod together with a silent, "Yeah hyung, thanks."

With that, Yoongi just shrugged as he patted his younger brother's shoulder while he stated something before walking away; "Nothing will happen, if you didn't do any action, Gguk."

Letting out a sigh, Jeongguk run his hand over his face before inhaling the air, "Why can't I just be brave as Yoongi hyung?" He whispered to himself before landing his gaze to Hana once again, but what happened next made his blood boil.

Jisoong neared Hana and Minsook with his two minions following him behind before he sit in between the two girls, obviously trying to hit them up.

Beomjun on the other hand take a sit beside Minsook with a lopsided smirk, Chonmi on the other hand just casually lean onto the wall as she chew on her bubblegum.

Holding his temper, Jeongguk stayed put to where he is right now as he observed the two male.

He saw Jisoong opened and closed his mouth like he's talking to Hana before landing his palm on the girl's cheek as he caressed it— obviously trying to flirt with her, Beomjun did the same to Minsook.

But then Jeongguk noticed that Kurt looked over his direction and flashed him a mocking smirk, Chonmi though, she just darted her sharp gaze at Jeongguk— her eyes flaring with rage.

Oh man holy sh— they noticed that I'm here! Jeongguk shouted in his thoughts, but then he suddenly saw how Hana brutally kicked Jisoong in the shin before standing up while Minsook on the other hand elbowed Beomjun in the stomach with much strength as she stood up to walk away with Hana.

That's my girl, Jeongguk unconsciously thought as he placed his hands on his pockets before he decided to walk away and go to his class now since he just saw how the girl that he admire, just rejected the most famous senior that the whole campus ever knew.

At least I know that she's safe and can protect herself, he thought once he had stepped a foot inside the school building.

Glancing at his watch, Jeongguk noticed that he only have three minutes before the bell ring, causing him to lowkey curse under his breath. Sighing, he then pressed his lips into a thin line before decided to run.

But just as he was about to take a step, a hand came to cover his mouth as he felt himself being dragged away— a dark chuckle was heard beside his ear, giving Jeongguk the chills as he recognize who this person is.

"Let's have a little talk."


Okay, so did you guys already considered that a romance? Lol, maybe after this, there'll be no more romance again, back to being brutal (?) and violent (?) chapters again😅

And oh, oh, oh! Guys! So as you can see in the title, I've entered this and my other story entitled "Chimney" to the wattys2017, so it's my first time joining so yeah, hehe I hope you'll still support this story of mine😄😅

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