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September 2, 2016; 9:39 am

Yoongi's P.O.V.




Failed again.

"What kind of a fcking door is this?!" I cursed, backing away from the door while rubbing my right arm. Damn it, No matter how hard I tried, this door won't even move a bit as if like it was made of cement.

I can't be mistaken— I'm absolutely sure that I saw a girl was standing aimlessly in front of this room when suddenly a bloody boy came out and take her inside, Who the hell is that boy at the first place, and why the heck is he even covered with blood?

I looked up— only t see the name of the room, Room 1997, we meet again. The memories of Jeongguk's death started to rush back in my mind just upon seeing its room name, gritting my teeth— I remembered the face of the person who killed Jeongguk.

Jisoong, but as soon as realization hit me, a sly smirk slowly made its way on my lips, so Jisoong's death is worth it— karma is a btch indeed.

The sound of a loud boom that came from the other side of the room had erased my smirk as the sound startled me— it even made me jump a bit. Oh, shoot.

Looking around the hallway, I just noticed that it's empty and that there's no one who I can ask for help, not even a single student was here, they're probably traumatized upon seeing Jisoong's horrible dead body— the news spread throughout the whole campus like a wildfire so I'm not surprised about it. Wandering my eyesight, my eyes caught the figure of a metal bar not far away from me. Brilliant.

With a swift move, the metal bar was already in my hands, giving it a tight grip as my eyes glared at the specific room that have a dark aura, This is it. I take several breaths before finally swinging the bar at the door knob, creating a loud sound banging sound of metal against metal, the knob was unharmed which had made me furious, I can't let someone die in this room again.

After what seem like hours, the door knob finally gave up as it went flying across the hallway after I gave it a very strong smash. My hands went numb for a minute before my body decided to charge towards the door once again.

The sound of crashing wood echoed the hallway— my body came flying across the room before I feel a sting directly on my head, it took me quite time to realize what the sting is.

"Ow!" I cried out, putting a hand on my head, feeling a thick and hot fluid run down my scalp. I immediately grimaced upon seeing my palm is now stained with the blood.

Quickly standing on my feet, I noticed that I was inside the room already, it was nice and neat with some teacher's table on the corners, What the heck? Not even a single presence of a person— except from me— is present in here, causing me to wonder if I'm in the right room.

I wandered my gaze around the room, checking if I'm not hallucinating at all— I got uneasy for some reason all of the sudden so I decided to rush back outside, checking the name of the room. Room 1997 was entitled in the name plate that is placed above the entrance of the room.


Rushing back inside, there's no chance that what I see a while ago was just an imagination, I know what I see and it's real! My eyebrows crashed against each other as I was about to take another step, I heard the door shut which now left me in complete darkness. What the fck?!

My feet quickly moved on its own, stopping right in front of the door while my fist keep on banging it with all of my might. What just happened? I already knock this thing down awhile ago!

I keep on banging my fist on the hard door until my hands went numb as blood started to ooze out of it. I huffed and huffed— almost in the point if giving up.

For some unknown reasons, I started to feel dizzy— the scar that I have on my forehead did no help and with the blood running down from it as it flow down to my brows, my hands felt numb to the point that it felt that I have no hands at all.

The darkness of the room makes me like a blind person— clueless and not knowing where to go.

Just as I was about to passed out, I feel a cold hand hovered above my eyes while I feel another hand held my forehead, a chill running down my spine at how cold the hand is— at this point, I feel all of my energy left my body.

"You came hyung! Don't worry, I'll take care of you," And I feel myself lose my consciousness.


Few more chapters and the fun will start 😉👻

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