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September 3, 2016; 4:59 pm

Chonmi was left frozen on her spot as she stare at her reflection stretching out its hand until it went out through the mirror, making her to widen her eyes, How did that happen?!

Her whole body started to tremble as half of the body of her reflection just went out through the mirror, making look like she had a doppleganger, "Oh come on, Chonmi sunbae, don't be a kill joy," Chonmi's reflection— or more specifically, her doppleganger—  uttered using that creepy voice, deep and raspy it is. The other half of the body was still inside the mirror as it supported itself by grabbing the sink.

With tears now present in her eyes, Chonmi looked back in the mirror, but as she did so, she was left dumbfounded.

On the other side of the mirror shows a dark and creepy place, where Chonmi sees a dim green light, but what caught her attention was these three figures who she assume were people or mannequin. The one looked like it didn't have a right foot, the other one had torn uniform and deep scratches around its body, while the last one looks already dead.

It didn't look like mirror now, more like a portal, A portal to hell, I must say, Chonmi thought as goosebumps started to form on her arms and nape, just staring at that place makes her want to curl up like a baby inside her mother's womb.

Without Chonmi realizing, her doplleganger had completely came out of the mirror as it stand before her. "So, will you come with me?" It said, offering its hand as it grin from ear to ear.

Chonmi let out a scream while covering her ears— backing away as she took several steps back, "This isn't real, this isn't real," She chanted like a mantra, hoping that this is just part of her imagination, hoping that her mind is just messing around with her.

Once she opened her eyes, the doppleganger was gone and the mirror turn back to just being an ordinary mirror. Chonmi let out a sigh of relief, "Yeah, just my imagination."

"Are you sure about that?" The voice from before suddenly interrupted the silence, startling Chonmi before she looked up behind her, only to see that her doppelganger was towering her— its feet wasn't on the ground anymore.

She jerked back as she release a scream, but since the floor is slippery, Chomni suddenly fall flat on her butt as the back of her head unfortunately hit the sink. Chonmi can't think straight now because of the fear overwhelming in her chest as her doppelganger took a step forward towards her.

There's only one thing in her mind now, run. And Chonmi did, but her doppelganger act fast enough and blocked the door before grabbing her face, still wearing that creepy smile.

"Where do you think you're going, sunbae?" It asked— or more likely mocked.

With much force, Chonmi pushed her doppelganger and once she was free from its grip, Chonmi proceed to escape, but before she could even have a hold of the door knob— a hand grabbed her head as she felt herself being jerked back.

"You're not going anywhere," It growled before Chonmi felt her head being hit on something hard, so hard that she feel like her skull just cracked. Curious? Her doppelganger just banged her head on the edge of the toilet— obviously drawing out blood from the newly opened wound.

Chonmi look around and saw that everything is spinning around her— she's too dazed that she didn't noticed the blood streaming down from her forehead.

She then saw how her doppelganger transformed into a figure of a dead looking boy, No, it couldn't be, she thought before Chonmi felt herself being lifted up from the ground.

But before everything went black, she saw how this dead looking boy went back through the mirror while still carrying her over his shoulders and with that, she found herself inside the dark and creepy place before completely passing out.

"Welcome to my playground."


Guys, let me remind you, THIS IS PURE FANFICTION THAT IS JUST BASED FROM MY IMAGINATION. Don't let this shitty book of mine to ruin Jungkook's image in your mind.

Please bear in mind that what you're reading is F-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-L.

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please continue to love our little bunny

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please continue to love our little bunny.

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