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Lee Hana's P.O.V.

"You can't escape."

"You'll stay with me."


My eyes immediately shut wide open as beads of sweat formed on my forehead for no apparent reasons, "What just happened?" I asked even though I know that one will be able to answer my question.

I wandered my gaze and saw a green dim light right just beside me, but I could only care less about it as I throw my head back before letting out a distressed sigh, so this it, how my story will end. Just great.

I tried to move my body with all of my might, but there's a thing that prevents me from doing so, looking down, there I saw that my abdomen is tied by a chain that is attached to wall, preventing me from escaping. Feeling so tired, I just slumped down like a withered plant.

I can feel that my lips are dry, making me try lick it, but something is wrong— definitely wrong.

Why can't I feel my tongue?

"Ah, you're awake," I quickly snapped my head when a familiar voice boomed, but the dim light did catch a glimpse of a person's foot that is standing a meter away from me.

"Ngwe ngar ngyu?" I asked, but was quickly taken aback when realization hit me that I can't talk properly, it sounded funny at first, but I gradually grew nervous. Just what is happening?

"What? I can't understand you~" the person— or whatever kind of creature he is— mocked as he finally step out of the dark and made his way to my side, having that sly smirk in his lips, the lone maggot swirling in his open scar that is in the area of his cheek doesn't go unnoticed by me. I immediately grimaced at the scene as I turn my head to the side.

His icy cold hand came in contact of my chin that  send shivers to my spine in instant as goosebumps form in my arms before he turn my head to face him, "Ngewt og i!" Get off me! Why can't I speak properly?!

"Huh? What's that?" he mocked for the second tims, even nearing his ear close to my mouth.

Heh, idiot.

Gathering up my saliva, I spit on his ear without hesitation, but when I saw my saliva, my eyes automatically went wide. No, it's not saliva, it's blood.

"Aish, bad girl," He uttered backing away as he let out an audible tsk! sound as it seemed like he isn't pleased from what I did, but didn't bother to wipe the thing that I spit in his ear, "I was about to bring this back to you, but I changed my mind."

Right after he said it, I saw him holding up something in his hands and my eyes automatically widened when I realize what it is. Disgust and horror flooded my chest upon seeing the organ.

A tongue— don't tell me, he...?

"You have a soft tongue, don't you know that?" His voice brought me back to reality and all of the sudden, I saw him nibbling the tip of the tongue, making me to grimaced instantly, not liking every bit of what he is doing.

"Ngap at!" Stop that!

"Mhm~ how about no? It tastes good though," He replied while chuckling like a maniac before going back to what he's doing. My lips twitch at the amount of discomfort and disgust I am feeling.

I suddenly felt an odd liquid forming in my eyes once again before it stream on my cheeks, I just teared up blood once again.

Moments later, I heard him hum before his voice echoed in the quiet atmosphere, "I wonder what your eyes tastes like though."

Right after hearing those words and before I could even processed what he just said, a cold hand suddenly grabbed my whole face, holding it still. I tried to get out of his grasp, punched him, clawed him, but he's too strong and it seemed like he doesn't even got hurt from what I did. "Shh~ Stay still," He breath out right in front of my face, causing me to cough because of its smell. His voice was too sweet that it made me tremble, he turns out to like my reaction as I saw a glint of pleasure in his eyes.

Still, I tried to break free, but his grasp on my face just tightened, making me whimper. All of the sudden, I feel something rough brushing my lips harshly, and then it hit me. He's kissing me! Just how disgusting can that be?

I tried pushing him away, but my energy was already drained. As I still tried my best to get rid of him, I feel a slimy and crawling thing started to explore my face, I shrieked even with our lips connected. Maggots!

I squirmed under his touch, slapped him in the face, feeling so disgusted to the point that I want to puke right in his mouth right now. Great, this monster just stole my first kiss.

Blood continuously stream from my eyes down to my cheeks as I feel myself giving up, my body unwillingly surrendered to him, fortunately for him.

Third Person's P.O.V.

When the latter felt that Hana was already and finally giving up from trying to fight back, he let a smirk form in his lips while still kissing the poor girl.

Oh, how long he desired to kiss those lips. He would've kissed her properly if they weren't in this kind of situation, but fate was never on his side.

Still holding her face in a steady posture, he then brought his left hand up to the air and landing it on Hana's firmly closed eyes.

With the use of his sharp nails, he dug it slowly, making the latter to muffle a scream as he could feel her fight back once again, but her hits just came out as light as a feather. Once he feel that he fully holds the round shaped organ, he then jerked back his hand together with Hana's right eye, breaking the kiss at the exact time.

Scream of agony escaped the poor girl's dry throat as her hands landed on the spot where her right eye supposed to be, letting out loud cries as she can feel that herself nearing its limit, this... isn't how she imagined how she would die.

"Waaaah~ this looks shiny!" The supernatural being chirped like an amused kid, holding the eye in his fingers with the veins hanging and blood dripping from it.

"Oh, and about the kiss. You really did taste good," He smirked while looking at Hana's almost dead figure.

"Someone, save me." She muttered before darkness took over her again.



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