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September 1, 2016; 3:45 pm

Mr. Choi continue to babble about the history of our country, but my mind couldn't absorb any of his words as I boringly tap my notebook using my pen.

I lick my lips before gazing down at my notebook while I lazily jot down some notes, as much as I hate to do this, I have to in order to maintain my high grades— and I absolutely hate it if my parents would scold me regarding about my grades.

Finally the bell rang as our subject teacher dismissed us.

The room turn into chaos— cheering that hell time is already over before my classmates rushed out of the room like excited kids that had seen a clown, while me, on the other hand, stayed still for a while as I fix my belongings.

As I was about to leave, I noticed a boy with black hair that have blue highlights, his head's bowed down like he was sleeping for his dreams. I let my eyes explore the room and noticed that we are the only one's who are left here.

I sighed before making my way to his direction. Tapping his shoulder, he flinched before moving a little to find a more comfortable position before once again drifting to sleep. I puff my cheeks before I shook him harder this time— hoping that he'd wake up.

This time, he finally rose his head up— but what I saw just made me to suck up a breath. His hair turn into tousled one as his long bangs covered his eyes, a scar on the area of his cheek that drools out blood, and a sheepish smile formed into his paper-white lips.

"Hello..." he muttered before his hand came in contact of my neck.



My eyes instantly snapped wide open as I gasped for air as if I had run a hundred meter race, beads of sweat are forming on my forehead down to my chin. A dream?

"Yah," I came back to reality upon hearing a masculine voice before I felt a hand that shook me. Lifting my head, I was welcomed by a boy with black hair that have blue highlights while he stare at me those cold eyes, his skin was so pale, and he had pink and thin lips that every girl would want to have.

Wait, black hair with blue highlights?

My eyes went wide as a plate as I gape when a wave of realization hit me.

"Hey, how long are you going to stare at me?" I was once again brought back to reality when his hand wave in front of my face, "Didn't you know that we're the only one's who's left in here?" He ask, expression was unreadable. "You owe me a thank you because I even care to woke you up instead of leaving you alone," He retorted that made me to mentally roll my eyes.

I fixed my hair by putting it into a ponytail as I swing my bag on my back before I stood up, "Thank you.." I uttered before bowing ninety degrees.

He just nodded his head before exiting the room leaving me alone. I was about to take a step when the books on the teacher's table fell— creating a loud thud as if someone had purposely drop it.

Blinking my eyes, I then look around to check if someone is pranking me, but I see no one. I shook my head before letting out a chuckle, "It's just the wind, c'mon," I uttered before I slightly turn my head to look over my shoulder to check, but to my surprise- the windows were already shut, but the curtains flew as if the wind can pass through the glass plane.

Gulping the lump on my throat, I then finally move my feet as I let them drag me out of here.


I instantly jumped when her voice boomed, in which I gave her an annoyed look before tucking some strands of my hair behind my ear. Minsook just smile sheepishly before putting both of her hands behind her back, acting all innocent. I just roll my eyes, her age is fifteen but her mental age is around two to three.

"Anyway, let's go?" she cleared her throat before she snaked her arm around mine, still having that sheepish grin in her face. I just clicked my tongue at how the way she acted so innocent.

The clank of our shoes echoed through the hallway while we walk in a comfortable silence, when out of blue, a strong wind blew making our skirts to flew— causing Minsook to shriek before holding her skirt down. "Aish, curse that wind!" She exclaimed, but I stayed silent as I held my skirt down before looking outside. Everything was turning dull and grey as the cumulus clouds started to cover up the sun.

Tapping Minsook on the shoulder, I gestured her to go home first. She raised a brow, "And why?" She questioned. Honestly, I don't know either.

It was so sudden, something is giving me the urge to stay behind, I don't even know what came upon me.

Biting my lip, I did my best to think for a perfect excuse. "Uhm, I forgot that I am assigned to clean our room, so uh, I will take much time. You go home first."

Finally, Minsook sighed after what seem like five minutes of staring contest. "Okay, but be careful on your way," She advised and I nodded as an answer before she finally walk away— her short hair bouncing onto the rhythm.

Once she disappeared on my sight, I quickly turn to the other direction before I climb the stairs in a swift movement.

I keep my pace in an average speed, checking my surroundings here in the third floor. I gulp as I feel the hairs on my nape rose up as my legs begin to tremble a bit.

"Room 1997," I whispered, reading the template that was placed on top of the door. Gulping the lump of my throat, my gaze landed on the knob, it was covered with dry blood as the door post have some scratches as if a beast had tried to open it.

Since when did we have a room like this in school?

With a shaking hand, I touched the knob- holding it firmly with my eyes close. What am I even doing? So this is the feeling of curiosity, huh?

But, to say that it was only all about curiosity, was seriously an understatement— something is tempting me, urging me to continue.

With a deep sigh, I let go of the knob, what am I? A detective? Screw you, Lee Hana.. Shrugging my shoulders, I turn my heels to the other side before letting my feet to lead me to the right way.

But before I can go any further, I feel a pair of strong hands grabbed my shoulder, and before I could even protest, everything went dark as I feel myself being dragged inside the mysterious room.

"Let's be friends."


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