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September 1, 2016; 3:45 pm

Yoongi's P.O.V.

The boring teacher in front continue to blabber out some things about the history, but as usual, I didn't give a single damn as I just jot down on my scratch notebook about my random thoughts.

A sigh escaped my lips unknowingly when the memory of the horrible corpse that I saw a while ago came rushing on my mind— just what the actual fck is that? And was just a coincidence that Jisoong died in front of that room?

I then settle down my pen before randomly started to flip through the pages of my notebook, when a thing similar to a piece of paper slip out of the pages before it landed on the ground. Bending my body, I pick it up and that's when I realize that it is a polaroid— a polaroid of me and my late younger brother.

A bittersweet smile make its way to my lips, it's your birthday today, right? I thought while observing the old polaroid. Maybe I should vis

"Class dismiss," My thoughts are cut off when mister Choi declared it all of the sudden before it was followed by my classmates' chaotic cheers. I look down on the polaroid once again before slipping it in my ID.

Swinging my bag onto my back, I saw that everybody have already left the room. As I was about to stand up, a sleeping figure of a girl caused me to halt from leaving.

I decided to ignore her and turn my heel to the other side to leave, but at the back of my mind, it's commanding me to woke up my classmate, and by that I ended up walking to her direction before shaking her shoulders.

Bending down a bit, I saw how her brows knitted together and she's sweating uncontrollably— maybe she's having a nightmare, but her face... her face seemed to be familiar to me, though we happened to be classmates, I choose to stay in the shadows so I particularly didn't know everyone here— well maybe I do know some.

"Yah, wake up," I said and shook her again, but she just whimpered before she even adjusted her position and make herself comfortable once again, I heaved a sigh before I shook her with more force, "Yah,"

Finally she snapped her eyes open but she's breathing like she just run a thousand meters.

"Yah," I called for the nth time when I noticed that she is spacing out— probably recalling what her nightmare was all about. When she look up to me, her eyes widened as she gape which have made me uncomfortable, I feel like I look weird at how the way she stares at me. "Hey, how long are you going to stare at me?" I said as I waved my hand in front of her face.

She really looks familiar, what's her name again?

Her eyes blinked multiple times before she stared at me in confusion, "Didn't you know that we're the only one's who's left in here?" I uttered in a low voice— obviously getting impatient, "You owe me a thank you because I even care to wake you up instead of leaving you alone here," I added and I see how she chew her lower lip before gathering her things.

"Thank you," She said before bowing ninety degrees while I just nodded as an answer before leaving the classroom. The hallway was flooded with students since it's dismissal, chitchats are heard here and there— while I'm alone here and squeezing myself out.

"It's been a year, Jeonggukie. Hyung misses you..." I whispered to myself, before stopping in the middle of the flood of students before looking outside of the glass plane. It's been a year after that incident in that room...

The memories came rushing in my brain like a lightning making me to hold on my head, the feel of being guilty was building up in my chest once again— If only I didn't left him alone.

Shaking my head, I just continued to walk, but for some reasons, I have this feeling that someone i staring at my back. Looking over my shoulder, I was welcomed, nothing but countless of students minding their own businesses. Maybe I'm just tired.


Jeon Jeongguk
September 1, 1997 - August 14, 2015

"Hey there, buddy," kneeling in front of his grave I added, "Happy eighteenth birthday.." my voice trailed of feeling a bit lonely, I wonder how is he doing right now...

"How are you doing, bud? Mom had already recovered from depression half a year after you passed away," I randomly told him some experiences that mom and I are having right now even I know that he can't hear me.

Jeongguk and I are half brothers— same mother, different fathers. After my father died, mom found another man and that is Jeongguk's father, they get married and you guessed it, their love bear Jeongguk's. But after a year, he died due to being hit by a car— by that, mom just put her focus on us two.

Jeongguk is the type of shy boy that wanted to have friends but he's too shy to even say hello, he wouldn't approach anyone unless you approach him first and you will always see him alone in the corner, drawing anything that crossed his mind. He would always hide in my back when someone bullies him, causing us both to grow up so close— he even once said that I'm he's hero. I snorted a little at those memories.

"I hope you've made friends," I uttered before standing up and fixing the strap of my bag. Looking down, I let out a weak smile before waving a little at his grave, "Bye for now, Gguk-ah.." I bid my goodbye before making my way outside the gloomy place.

Third Person's P.O.V.

Little did Yoongi know that throughout this whole day, pair of eyes have been watching him.

"Hyung... I want you to be in my playground too..." it said in a hoarse voice a sheepish grin forming in his paper white lips before he disappeared in the thin air.


Ey guys, do you know what time it is here? 12:21 am 😃


And meh, this chapter isn't scary at all, aish *bangs my head in the wall* I just thought you should know Yoongi's side ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌


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