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Minsook's P.O.V.

"Hana, no!" I exclaimed- recognizing that it was Hana's voice who screamed. It was like I regained all of my energy despite of how much blood I lost as panic started to flood my chest.

The guy and girl snapped their gazes towards where the scream came from and from there, I can see the figure of the creature who's responsible for all of this while he held someone in his arms as a hostage, That's Hana!

"Jungkook, whatever you're planning, don't do it... I beg you..." the guy said as he gaze into the darkness, where the boy is standing, So... Jungkook is his name, huh?

The monster, or should I say Jungkook, grinned as his teeth highlighted within the dark. "Why would I listen to you, Yoongi hyung?" He uttered and his voice instantly brought goosebumps down to my spine. But wait, did he just addressed this guy as his brother?

"You're his brother?!" I exclaimed as I turn my head to face the guy beside me whom I assume is Yoongi- for some reasons, I feel my anger raising up.

Yoongi let out a frustrated sigh before he look at me, "I know what you're thinking, but I'm telling you that I'm not one of his allies, I'm a victim as well," He almost growled.

I was about to fire back when the girl who's supporting him suddenly butted in, "Will you bicker later when we're already out of here?!"

A deep chuckle echoed through the whole place which had interrupted the three of us, "Humans are really stupid," Jungkook uttered and I can tell that he's even shaking his head.

"Why did you stop? You guys look entertaining," He mocked, but I took a step closer with tears present at the corner of my eye when I saw and realized that Hana is struggling to get free from his grip, I'm so furious right now that I feel like I'm gonna explode, "Why are doing this to us? What had we ever done to you?!" I exclaimed, Wow, I've never been this brave before.

Another chuckle escaped his lips, "What had you ever done to me? No, you didn't do anything bad to me, but to the owner of this body," He stated that made me furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean by that?!" I heard Yoongi yelled from behind and I can tell that he's dazed and confused like me.

"Especially her," Jungkook stated- pointing a finger at one of us, turning my head, I realized that he's pointing at the girl who's supporting Yoongi.

Widening his eyes, I see how Yoongi suddenly turned his gaze to the girl and I can tell that he's boiling in anger, "What. Have. You. Done?" He asked, almost growling, while looking at the girl which seems like shaking under his intense stare.

"Ooh~ yes, why would she even bother to tell you of what she had done to your one and only brother when her real plan is to get rid of him?" Jungkook added, with his words, he seemed to make Yoongi even more furious. "Yoo Chonmi, what have you done?!" Yoongi shouted, his voice had echoed in the whole place.

"I-I don't know what he's saying, oppa!" The girl who's named as Chonmi fired back- and that's when I realized that she didn't have her cheeks, it looks like it had been teared away.

"Oh really? Why don't you just spill the beans and tell your oh so Yoongi oppa that you're one of those people who killed his brother?" I heard Jungkook said right after Chonmi defended herself.

I shook my head, He's destructing us to withdraw our attention from Hana, I thought before I snapped my gaze back at him, Hana was still struggling to get free from his grip, but he looked like he's not even affected.

Bitting my lower lip, I then decided to ask him once again, "Why does Hana have to be involved here, why do we have to be involved here when the one who's only on the wrong is that person?" I asked as I pointed at the girl, Chonmi, who he claimed as his murderer- I've never been so confused in my whole life.

Room 1997 | J. Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now