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Minsook's P.O.V.

I struggled and tried to escaped this strong grasp, but knowing me? I can't even carry a single box of paper, what a weakling you are, Oh Minsook.

The unknown person continued to drag me further in the darkness, I tried to claw his arms, but he won't budge and continued on his way- when suddenly, an idea popped in my mind, why haven't I thought of that earlier?

Opening my mouth, I bite the hand that's covering my mouth, I could feel my teeth sunk quite deep as my tongue tasted the metallic taste seeping out of his skin. The person suddenly jerked its hand as it let out a yell, "What the fck?!" I heard him cussed, I was about to take this as a chance to run away when his hand came to grip tightly on my arm before I can even take a step to rush away.

"Argh! Let me g—" but my sentence was cut off when he placed a hand on my mouth for the second time before I heard a hushing sound, "Shut the fck up if you want to live," the stranger hissed under his breath carry on dragging me further away— goosebumps formed on my arms as I felt his hot breath next to my ear. My body froze and my heart beat started rapidly due to nervousness, cold sweat started to form on my forehead, who is this guy?

When he noticed that I turned silent, I feel him removing his hand on my mouth. As I opened my mouth to say something, my attempt was halted when a raspy scream echoed through the whole place.

Could it be...?

"Hana?" I muttered— looking at the direction where the scream came from. I was about to take a step once again when the guy who dragged me grabbed me by the arm once again.

"Aish, let me go, freak!" I exclaimed, "Are you planning to kill yourself?! Come and help me find the escape," I heard him said, but it sounded more like he's commanding me. Just who the hell is he to tell me what to do?

With all the strength that I have, I yanked my arm back, "Who the hell are you?!" I asked with tinge of anger in my voice.

"You don't know me?" The person asked, I can imagine his puzzled expression just by the tone of his voice, "I'm Beomjun, from class 3-A," He introduced himself making me to widened my eyes in surprise, Beomjun? What is he doing here? Didn't he know that his friend, Jisoong, was now dead?

Yes, I know him, he once tried to pick up on me, but thankfully— I managed to escaped him before this bastard could even do something to me.

"Surprised, little kitty?" I even heard him chuckled like a mad man. "Now help me or I'll make your life miserable," is this the part where I should be intimidated?

Forming my hands formed into fist, my brows are now crashed against each other because of how this asshole behaved. I'm getting way too annoyed now, I opened my mouth to say something, but then, the sound of flesh ripping and blood splattering was heard, followed by the scream of agony from Beomjun, startling me in process as I can even feel that some thick and warm substance was splattered on my face.

I was too shock to react until the lights of this room started to flicker— which had given me the advantage to see what's happening.

And my eyes almost pop out of my eye sockets after witnessing what was happening in front of me.

Stands before me, is Beomjun— two hands with sharp nails are dug through his chest.

Third Person's P.O.V.

Beomjun's mouth hanged open, blood coming out of the corner of his lips as the ghost hold him up by digging its hands through the latter's chest, as sly smirk was plastered in his paper white lips as his eyes are covered by his long tousled bangs.

Beomjun slowly turned his shaking head to see the ghost— or more specifically— the monster, but when he do, the monster jerked back its right hand, pulling Beomjun's heart out at the same time, while Minsook stand there, helplessly watching this horrifying scene unfold in front of her.

"Game is over for you, Beomjun sunbae~" the supernatural creature uttered loud enough for Beomjun and Minsook to hear.

Beomjun stared at the the monster and saw how it devour his heart, making him to completely go insane. Not long enough, his eyes rolled back and completely breathing out his last breath.

Minsook, who just witnessed everything, was too shocked to move— she wanted to scream but she can't find her voice, she wanted to run but her body won't listen to her mind's order. Later on, she finally manage to make out the face of the creature, but not that completely due to the flickering lights.

The monster still hold Beomjun's dead body with his left hand still dug through the latter's chest— enjoying his meal, savoring it even as slurping sounds was heard with his munching as well, blood was now splattered on the half of his face as he continued to devour the organ.

As the horrifying creature finished his meal, it finally jerked back its left hand from Beomjun's body, letting the corpse fall on the sticky ground helplessly— his eyes are wide opened, filled with complete horror.

The lights continue to flicker and Minsook saw how this supernatural creature neared her shaking figure, saw how it licked the the blood that's dripping in the corner of his lips before it munched the left chunks of Beomjun's heart in his mouth.

"Come on, let's play," And darkness once again took over the place.


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