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Lee Hana's P.O.V.

The sound of creaking wood that echoed through the silent place made me look up as my feet automatically move up to its own to avoid the falling wood.

I huffed, feeling weak. I've been wandering aimlessly at this creepy place for only God knows how long. If only I didn't let my curious and stupid ass to check that room, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

Forcing myself to walk, I still had no clue where to go— I'm starting to feel light headed as my knees started to wobble at the same time, my throat is already begging for water but unfortunately my water bottle in my bag was already out of water. Spell unlucky, H-A-N-A.

My hand started to shake as I hold up my phone to light up my way, I could've called the cops from the start, but unfortunately for me again, there's no signal inside this God forsaken place. That's when I heard a beeping sound coming from the rectangular gadget.

Battery is lower than 10%! Please charge immediately to prevent phone from dying!

I read. Sht, I must've save my battery, now I'm doomed, walking with no light in this creepy place is like being a blind, Do I have any choice though?

Turning off my phone, I think this is just the right thing to do since my phone happens to be useless anyway— it can't find any signal, and it's now running out of battery, great right?

Now all I see now is darkness, goosebumps started to form on my arms and legs when I tried to find the wall to somehow help me to trail some pathways, but once my fingertips felt the concrete wall, a moving thing that is slimy started to crawl to my hand.

I shrieked and my voice echoed through the dark place as I shake my hand aggressively in order to get rid of the slimy thing.

Panting, I realize that it was once again another maggot who came from a rotten corpse— letting that slide, I let my eyes explore once they started to adjust in the dark, trying to find a way out, but no avail.

After what it seemed like eternity of walking like a blind person, my ears heard some faint tapping on the ground— footsteps. Adrenaline rushed in my veins, beads of sweat formed in my forehead when my feet seemed to be nailed on the spot and the footsteps became louder, and louder, until I could feel that the person— or thing— was only a meter away from me.

Without thinking twice, I started to run at a direction that I didn't know where it will lead me.

After what seem like eternity, my legs started to weaken which had caused me to trip on my own foot as I fall flat on my stomach, the dirt of the floor stained my clothes, but I could only care less about it.

I stayed still like that until I felt a sting on my left shoulder. Quickly putting a hand on it, I tried to roll on the other side but to my surprise, a hard and sharp thing pierced through my left shoulder, then felt a hot liquid streaming from my shoulder down to my arms and chest— that's when the pain strike, causing me to hiss and gnaw on my teeth

Slowly, I stand up even my legs are wobbling. I then touched sharp thing before finally taking a hard grip on it. Puffing an air out, I tightly closed my eyes, bracing myself for what I am about to do. Come on, you can do this Hana...

With much force, I managed to pull out the sharp thing as the sound of flesh ripping was heard followed by my ear piercing scream.

I threw the sharp thing across before touching my wound, Oh my God, now my shoulder had a hole in it.

"Damn it," I whispered, biting my lips to prevent myself from crying again.

What much worse can happen to me now?


Room 1997 | J. Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now