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Okay! Before we start, I know if you cry in the latest chapter? I'm just curious😅😂✌



Yoongi's P.O.V.

"O-oppa.." Chonmi called as she forced herself to walk towards my direction, while me on the other hand was backing away. I shouldn't be afraid at her, but I couldn't help it.

The half of her face doesn't have skin, and what's worse is some part of it even showed her skull. For goodness sake Jeongguk, when did I taught you to be this violent?

I gulped the lump of my throat as I witnessed Chonmi nearing me like an undead, wanting me to be her prey, "O-oppa, I'm scared..." Chonmi spoke up as she slump on top of me, her hands wrapped around my neck. I grimaced when the blood from her face was wiped on my cheeks when she brought she snuggled closer to me.

Grunting, I let my hands grab her wrists before I forcefully detached her away from me. "Stay. Away. From. Me," I said, pausing and emphasizing every word that escaped my lips. She seemed shocked from my actions as I feel her stiffened.

"But, I didn't do anything wrong.." I heard Chonmi's word came out as a  whisper as her eyes stared at me, but I couldn't care less so I pushed her when she tried to approached me once again.

"Can't you understand me or you're just deaf?!" I shouted in frustration, making my voice echo in the whole place. I was about to say something again when a sudden gash of wind made me halt.

Lifting my head up, I saw Jeongguk standing behind the clueless Chonmi with a sheepish grin. "Is she bothering you too much, hyung?" His raspy voice that used to be a gentle one asked, titling his head to the side afterwards, the grin was not leaving his lips as if it was meant to be permanent in that way.

When Chonmi realized that Jeongguk was just actually behind her, she tried to crawl away— when the latter suddenly held her head to prevent her from moving away.

I knew he's up to something, so I shook my head, "No, she is doing well..." I answered casually as possible. I might hate Chonmi, but I can't bear to see my brother harming someone in front of me.

A sinister laugh escaped Jeongguk mouth, "Wow hyung, I never thought that you would even defend this btch," He continued to laugh while me on the other hand started to feel anxious— afraid of what he might do as the thought of Jeongguk doing violent things to Chonmi started to flood my mind.

"C'mon now hyung, you can't lie to me. I own this place and I can see and hear whatever happens in here," Jeongguk stated as his nails started to dug onto Chonmi's forehead, making her scream. With that long sharp nails, I can tell that he can pierce a hole directly on Chonmi's brain.

Throwing that thought aside, I faced Jeongguk once again with my glaring eyes. "Is that so, buddy?" I asked, and paused a bit before I decided to continue.

"Then why did you asked me in the first place?" I asked before sparing a glance at Chonmi and I can see that blood is already flowing down her face.

I heard Jeongguk let out a dark chuckle, "Just asking the obvious, and I must say that you haven't changed, hyung," He said, his voice was back on being gentle— the one that he have once when he's still alive. It made me silently sigh in relief, thinking that he would leave us alone now.

But I thought wrong.

With a swift move, Jeongguk's hands are placed on the both corners of Chonmi's inner cheeks, and before I knew it, a loud ear piercing scream was heard in the whole place together with the sound of flesh being ripped. Blinking, my pupils shook as I watched everything in horror.

Jeongguk is tearing Chonmi's cheeks, leaving her inner mouth exposed.

Jeongguk simply smiled when his work is done before he let go of Chonmi, who was left slumped on the ground, her wails was heard as her whole body trembled— while I was left frozen.

He held the two soft flesh using the both of his hands, even wiggling them in the air while the insane grin was still there, "Look hyung, I've got new toys!" Jeongguk stated as he laughed like a complete maniac afterwards.

But then Jeongguk's laughter didn't last long as a pout formed in his lips, "Hm, but Hana's tongue is way more softer. Ah, and I bet that these cheeks tastes like sht unlike Hana's tasty tongue," He uttered, but he still have the guts to laugh at his own sentence.

But what did he just say? Hana?

Gathering my courage, I managed to ask him through gritted teeth. "Are you telling that Hana is here? The Lee Hana? The girl that you have feelings for?" I asked, then it hit me, Was that the reason that she'd gone missing? Why did Jungkook even planned to bring her here? I asked in my thoughts, unable to find the possible answers.

I saw how Jeongguk's shoulders stiffened as his laughter died at the same time. Aside from Chonmi's whimpers, an awkward atmosphere has filled the air and I can feel the sudden tension when all of the sudden, I was startled when Jeongguk suddenly yelled, his hands started to clutch tightly on his own hair.

Jeongguk-ah, what's happening to you?

Instead of feeling horrified, I was worried about what was happening to him. Opening my mouth to ask something, I was left puzzled when he suddenly run to nowhere even before I can utter a word, letting himself disappear in the dark.

I blinked my eyes multiple of times out confusion before darting my gaze to where Chonmi was sprawled down, her sobs are the only thing that can be heard. I was about to crawl towards her direction when the sound of falling chain had made me halt from doing so.

That's when I look down to check my ankles. "I.. I'm free.."

Jeongguk's P.O.V.

I run and run until I'm at the most far part of the room, I'm losing control, I thought  while clutching on my blood stained hair.

With heavy breaths, I finally said the words that I should've said long ago. "Let my brother and friends go," I breath out before smiling to myself, knowing that I had deactivated the things that kept them imprisoned.

But the victory didn't last long when pain suddenly struck my head before a voice echoed inside my mind.

"Now, now, don't spoil the party and let me take over, Jeon."


We're finally nearing the Epilogue ㅋㅋㅋ

We're finally nearing the Epilogue ㅋㅋㅋ

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