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Lee Hana's P.O.V.


TH was written on the back of my hand, though it's dark, I determined to know the two letters by tracing it with the use of my fingertips.

What does that mean?

To say that it's weird was an understatement— nevertheless, I just shrug that thought off, I kept on walking around like a blind person, but my mind was not with me as it keep on guessing what could be the meaning behind these letters.

The sound of chuckle suddenly had brought me back to reality, I began to panic once again, letting my eyes wander even though I know to myself that I won't be able to see if there might be someone who is following me due to too much darkness.

The chuckle later on turn into laughter, a sinister laughter, granted that I've heard it countless of times, but it seemed like I'll never get used to it.

I could feel myself froze on my spot, like someone had casted a spell on me to prevent me to move even a single muscle.

The laughter soon died down making me to release a sigh of relief, closing my eyes afterwards for matter of second before opening them again.

But it seems like a wrong move.

A dead boy was standing in front of me, he had a tousled hair and long bangs that covers his eyes, his mouth is opening in a slow manner as the scar on his cheek became an advantage for him to open his mouth even more wider than it should be, followed by the sound of flesh ripping— his pale skin had made him to stood out from the pure darkness.

A raspy scream left my dry throat— my body backing out in an instant, He's the boy whom I saw among the crowd when me and Minsook discovered about the incident of Jisoong.

His hand stretched out as if he was going to grab me, but before he can  even do so, my feet moved on its own as if it knows the way out. It feels like running inside a black hole and trying to find the place to escape— it's just so stupid of me to overcome the impossible.

"You can't escape from me~" the same voice from before boomed through the whole place, almost making me deaf. I swear, I'm going crazy if I didn't find my way out of here.

My eyes and knees are already giving up, maybe I lose too much blood due to the wound on my shoulder then add the fact that I was getting so exhausted every second that had passed. My breathing was now unstable as I cough and cough until I felt something came out of my mouth as it streamed down my lips, Shit, I just coughed out blood.

Though with the amount of exhaustion I'm feeling and that I was struggling to force my feet to run, it seems like my knees can't carry me anymore— without any warning, I fell on the sticky ground once again.

Suddenly, I feel a strange liquid that is forming in my eyes, it felt weird and too thick to be just plain tears— no this can't be tears, wait, don't tell me that I just teared up blood?

I can only cry, "Why is this happening to me?" I whispered as I came into the conclusion that this might be the end of my life though. I can't accept it, I'm still too young, I still have a long way to travel.

Suddenly, the image of my parents pop in my mind which caused more tears— or should I say blood, to stream down my cheeks. How are they now? They might be worried sick, I miss them already. How about Minsook? Is she fine? I feel bad for lying to her, Why did I even lie to her in the first place?

Later on, I felt two cold hands grip on my legs before the person had decided to drag my almost lifeless body to nowhere— I couldn't do anything, I couldn't fight back as the small amount of energy that I have was beginning to drain little by little.

"I told you, you can't escape me," the voice said followed by a low chuckle.

Someone please help me.

Minsook's P.O.V.

I quiver on my spot when a sinister laughter echoed in the dark place, startling me big time. Though tears continued to flow out of my eyes, I still continued to walk, shrieking every time I see a creepy dead body that is laying on the ground.

Wandering my flashlight through the whole place, I was hoping to see a single hint of escape— when my flash light suddenly started to flicker until it died down.

I began to panic, why now?! I tap the place where the battery is located before I shake it in a fast manner, hoping that it will light up again.

"No, no, no, not now!!" I whisper-yelled, the amount of adrenaline that I have now was unexplainable— my mind was somewhere else.

Minutes passed, I hear a chuckle before it turn once again into a sinister laughter followed by heavy footsteps that have made me to froze on my spot, That's it, I'm going to die now, am I not?

With shaking pupils, I tried to find a place to hide but I only look like an idiot, it's too dark for me to see even a single thing, who am I even kidding?

The footsteps suddenly turn louder making me to sweat due to nervousness, What to do?! I just shake my head in an aggressive and fast manner before abruptly decided to go somewhere else.

But before I can even take a step forward, a hand came to my mouth before it dragged me to somewhere I don't know.


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