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September 1, 2016; 5:02 pm

Minsook's P.O.V.

"Mom! I'll go for a walk!" I shouted across the living room for my mom was busy in the kitchen.

"Okay, honey! Don't gone for too long!" I heard her replied before I pluck my earphones as I pull up my hoodie to gave me more warmth.

I slid on my snickers before leaving the house, proceeding to walk silently on the streets afterwards as the music that's playing on my phone accompanies me.

Looking up to the sky, I saw that the stars are already revealing itself as the sun started to set. The wind blew, stroking my hair aback as I close my eyes before spreading out my arms— I love this kind of feeling, it's so relaxing and is such a stress reliever. It made me feel free for some reasons.

I exhaled before putting my arms down as I stared at my pink digital wrist watch, 5:05 pm, I wonder if Hana is already home?

Speaking about Hana, aish that girl. She really acted weird back then, usually she'll be the one who will drag me out of the academy because as she said, relaxing is her life.

Tucking my hands in the pocket of my hoodie— I decided to go to my best friend's house.


I rang the door bell upon arriving at their place, but it somehow took some time for someone to open the door.

"Just a minute," I heard someone's faint voice before I heard footsteps nearing the door, must be her mom.

The wooden door opened, revealing a middle aged woman, Hana's mom. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun as she wore a apron.

"Oh, Minsook, what brings you here?" Her mother greeted while wiping her hands with a towel before nearing the gate.

"Sorry to disturb auntie, but is Hana home already?" I asked, but to my surprise, Hana's mom titled her head as if confused by my question, "No, I even thought she's with you..." she trailed off before snapping her fingers, her jaws then tighten.

"That kid, where would she be strolling now?" Hana's mom ask herself while looking on the streets, expecting to see her daughter, but unfortunately, even Hana's shadow never showed up.

I licked my lips before clearing my throat to grab her attention. Once Hana's mom turn her head to me, I then said, "It's okay auntie, if she wouldn't come home tonight, I'll check her tomorrow on school."

She sighed before running a hand through her face— suddenly looking so distressed as she nod, "I swear, that kid would be grounded this weekend," She stated, making me to release a small laugh as I bid my goodbye, walking on the direction that I took previously.

That's when I realize that it was already dark, the stars showing up clearly as the moon illuminated the dark blue sky.

Minutes passed, I suddenly felt uneasy, as if someone was staring at me— I would be lying if I say that it didn't give me goosebumps, It was weird. I gulped before turning my heel to the other side to check if someone might be following me, but I only see an empty road together with the streetlights that lightens up the dark area.

My eyebrows knitted together, weird.

I quickened my steps— the unsettling feeling was still there, then our house came into sight causing me to run as if a dog was chasing me.

"Mom! I'm home!" I exclaimed before setting my shoes on the rack.

I rushed to the kitchen, knowing that mom might be there, and I'm not mistaken— saw her back facing me while she was like chopping something, but why is she quiet?

With adrenaline rushing in my veins, started to drag my feet, nearing my mom and once I reach her side, a loud scream escaped my mouth before taking several steps back.

Mom... is chopping her own fingers.

Tears started to gleam in my eyes as my lips tremble in fear. "M-Mom..." I called, but seems like it was a wrong move.

My mother's neck twisted backwards, completely facing me with pitch black eyes without even turning her body.

No, this is not my mom at all.

I started to cry out loud while backing away, covering my ears as well as shaking my head furiously as I silently pray to God.




Then I felt something shaking me making me to open my eyes as I met my mother's worried face. What?

I then realized that I was lying on the entrance of the door, feeling weak while cold sweat was formed all over my body, "Minsook, dear, what happened?" My mom ask— full of concern before bringing me to her embrace.

"Mom, why am I lying here?" I asked, breaking the skin ship, She then tucked some strands of my hair behind my ear before opening her mouth to speak.

"After you called me, I hear a loud thud and then rushed here, only to see you collapsed on the floor," she explained, so... what happened might be a short nightmare.

I licked my lips before hugging my mom before crying, though I feel her stiffen a little because of my sudden action, she hugged me back, patting my back as well.

"Mom, can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked, still crying.

"Looks like you're so scared today, fine, I won't mind," I heard my mom replied making me to sigh in relief.

But something is bothering me...

Where could be Hana now?


And yep! I updated, since I know that I can't update this upcoming days because our exam is approaching. *sighs* I'll miss my classmates since there'll only be a week to spend time with them ㅠㅠ

And meh, this chapter isn't scary and is boring at all tho. So sorry for that :'<

Btw, are you enjoying this story so far? ^^ let me know on the comment section (I love reading your comments), do vote as well! ^_^

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