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August 14, 2015; 9:23 am

"Let's have a little talk."

Jeongguk struggled  as he tried to remove the strong grip on his mouth and torso as he felt himself being dragged away. To where? Only God knows.

"Wret gwo (Let go)!" He tried and tried, but the person seemed to be more stronger than him that he didn't even budge. Suddenly, an idea suddenly popped on his head, Jeongguk felt a little dumb for just having to think of it now.

Opening his mouth, Jeongguk bite the the person's hand making that person to let out a unexpected painful groan, and as a result, Jeongguk felt himself being thrown before his body made a great impact to the cold and hard ground.

"You little piece of sht," Jeongguk heard the person said in a low voice. Coughing, he then lifted up his face to see who the unknown person was.

"J-Jisoong sunbaenim..." he trailed off before crawling backwards, standing up as he finally regained his energy.

Suddenly, the fabric that covers their hands caught Jeongguk's attention, Why are they wearing gloves? But he just shrugged it off, thinking that he could care less about it.

Jeongguk's gaze then wandered around to see where he is, A dark and empty room? He thought, but then the strong grasp on both of his arms had taken him back to reality.

With wide and alert eyes, he looked to his both sides and mentally cursed when he saw who they were. "Beomjun sunbae, Yoo Chonmi.." Jeongguk said, his voice getting angrier and lower as Chonmi's name rolled out of his tongue bitterly.

Chonmi smirked at the younger teen, "Little boy forget how to speak formally to his senior, but anywho, surprise!" She chirped in a mocking manner as her eyes intensely gaze back at Jeongguk ebony black orbs, "You.. I know you're up to something!" Jeongguk growled in gritted as he once again tried to free himself, but Brian and Chonmi's grasp are way more stronger than him.

"Oh really?" Chonmi back fired as she raise a brow when Jeongguk suddenly smirked. "Too bad, Yoongi hyung will hate you even more than he hates you right now once he heard about this," His smirk grew wider as the girl's eyes widened as she gaped.

Biting her lips, Chonmi tried to keep her cool down, "Are you blackmailing me?" She asked as she heaved a breath slowly losing it, "Why? Did I hit a nerve?" The younger teen fired back, bringing Chonmi to her limits.

Grabbing his hair, the girl almost peel off Jeongguk's scalp as she yanked his head back as she stare at him with flaming eyes, "You're nothing but a pest, once I get you out of my way, Yoongi will be mine!"

"Cut it out now, Chonmi," Jisoong voice echoed in the place as he snapped his fingers, signalling Chonmi to stop.

Sparing a look at their leader, the girl let go of Jeongguk's hair as she went back to held the latter's arms— obeying her leader's command.

Jisoong neared Jeongguk with slow, but large steps as he keep on looking at the younger teen's ebony black eyes, his gaze is too intense that he could pierce a hole on Jeongguk's eyeballs.

"Stay away from Hana," the senior student uttered, demanding Jeongguk to do what he just said, "Excuse me?" The younger teen instantly questioned— completely stunned. Is Jisoong serious?

"Stay away from her and I'll let you go," Jeongguk's ears instantly turn red as his blood started to boil, "Never!" He growled and Jisoong's two minions can't help but to flinch at his voice.

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