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September 1, 2020; 10:00 am

"Hana, are you coming with us or what?" Yoongi's husky voice brought me back to reality. Blinking my eyes, I realized that I was standing on the same spot as I spaced out while Minsook and Yoongi are already a meter away from me.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, I'm coming!" I exclaimed as I put on an awkward smile before walking over to their side.

"I'm feeling so awkward, this is my first time going to visit a dead in a cemetery," Minsook said while clutching the books near her chest. Yoongi snorted, "You spoke like you haven't met one."

I burst in laughter when Minsook gave him a poker face as she rolled her eyes before they both start to bicker like kids.

Did I already mentioned that we're already in college now? And yeah, it had already been four years since that incident in that room happened— a real nightmare it was for the three of us. We just choose to be quiet when the people started asking about information— not even the police who tried to asked us if we somehow knew what happened to Chonmi sunbae as well, since we knew that our experience was extremely unbelievable.

And who would even knew that, that incident will brought the three to be good friends?

I looked down to my chest and I saw the moon pendant swaying as we walk before I clutch it inside my hand, feeling its cold and smooth texture.

Back when we're dismissed in the hospital, I just realized that Jeongguk was that boy who I always saw hiding behind the tree near where Minsook and I used to spent our free times, and the boy who I always saw whenever I'm in a competition who's shouting and cheering for my name.

"Someone is daydreaming~" A voice cooed near my ear— making me jump as a shriek eventually left my lips.

What the— and before I can even react, I heard the sound of snap. "Nice one, Yoongi!" Minsook cheered before she and Yoongi did a high five while I stood here, gaping while trying to process what just happened.

When it finally sink in my mind, blood rose to my cheeks and I can feel my ears turn hot, "Why you two—"

"Ah fallback, angry Hana is in our area!" Yoongi exclaimed before both of him and Minsook sprinted, leaving me alone here on purpose as they purposely caught the other students attention— they started to give me weird stares after that. Ack! I badly want the ground to eat me, like right now!

"Min Yoongi and Oh Minsook! I'll surely gonna rip your heads off when I reach you!" I exclaimed before my feet started to move on its own, chasing the two idiots before me.


"Happy birthday, bud..." Yoongi said softly before placing the flowers down on the side of his grave.

A sigh escaped my lips when my chest started to feel weird as if like there's a knot that's tying it.

"Uh, happy birthday Jeongguk..." Minsook added. I can tell that she hasn't fully recovered from the trauma. Sighing, I placed a hand on her shoulder when I saw her body started to tremble— she just gave me a small smile.

I smiled back before I gazed down at his grave once again. I let myself kneel, "Hey there, I don't know if you're already in peace now but, I do hope that you're doing fine," I muttered— running my hands on the stone tablet, feeling it's smooth texture under my touch.

"We better go, our next class will start within fifteen minutes," Yoongi suddenly blurted out making me to snap my gaze at him as he stood up while wiping his eyes.

"Yah, are you crying?" Minsook asked the same question that's running in my mind, but Yoongi just scoffed, "Crying my ass," I bit my lips to surpass my laughter before I stood up as I proceed to dust my knees.

"We'll be get going now, Jeongguk and happy birthday," I said as I waved at his grave— as if he was just right there, staring at us. Then after that, we started walking away as we took the route that leads us to the university.


"See you two later at the meeting place!" I chirped to Yoongi and Minsook when we proceed to split ways since we didn't have the same classes. "Copy that," They both said in unison.

I then made my way to the classroom when for some reasons, a I felt a weird feeling lingering in my tummy as if my stomach was being tied in a knot— I wonder why since I haven't eat something bad this morning.

Dismissing that thought aside, I then walked inside the classroom when I finally saw that I'm in front of the door before proceeding to go to my designated seat, which happens to be next to the window.

I inhaled the cool air that have entered as if welcoming me back. I then looked at my side, seeing a vacant seat since no one dared to sit next to me. Not that I'm a loner, it just happens to be that the chairs are forty and the students are only thirty-nine so yeah, you got my point.

"Good morning class," Mister Chan greeted as soon as he stepped inside the room— causing for my classmates started running towards their designated seats.

"Okay, so we have a new student who was moved to this class so I hope you'll treat him well," Mister Chan announced that made the class burst into whispers and murmurs while I, on the other hand, stayed quiet before I saw Mister Chan gestured someone from the outside to enter the room.

A brunette guy stepped inside before facing us which gave me the advantage to examine his features, but it's not even a second when my eyes widened as my heart started pounding faster and louder than it seemed to be, my body started to feel cold as well.

Those big, ebony black, and shining eyes, that pointed nose, and that bunny smile. How? No, it can't be—

"Hello! I'm Jeon Jeongguk, please take care of me!"

"Hello! I'm Jeon Jeongguk, please take care of me!"

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Okay, first of all i would like to thank you all, from the silent readers to the voters and commentors, because if it wasn't for you guys, Room 1997 will be nothing :")

So yeah! Words can't explain how thankful I am to you :') ㅠㅠ

정말 감사합니다! ♡♡♡

And oh, do you think the adventure ends here? Well, you might want to think again, honey ;)

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