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Third Person's P.O.V.

Lee Hana wandered around the dark place aimlessly, she could even barely lift her feet to walk.

Throat run dry, stomach begging for food, and having a hole on her shoulder was no doubt, the worst thing that she could ever experienced. The heavy load of notebooks and books on her bag that is attached to her back had even added a struggle to her, with her hand still placed on her left shoulder to hold the open wound. I can't just abandon this bag, my notes are in there, the young lady thought— stupidly enough that she even thought about her studies even in this kind of situation.

The sticky sound on the ground was the only thing that can be heard as she walk blindly, desperately seeking for light.

She was about to take a step once again when a hand suddenly grabbed her ankle making her fall down. She let out a raspy scream as she kept on kicking the person even though the darkness was giving her a hard time to see her target.

Once she felt the grip loosen, Hana stopped on kicking the person before she crawled towards its direction. She touched the face down to its chest, trying to examine who this person was— that's when she realized that this person happens to wear the school guard's uniform.

So, it's not just dead students.

For the nth time, she feel her eyes swell with tears in the thought that she'll be like them sooner.

Minsook's P.O.V.

I felt my hand twitch as I started to regain back my consciousness. Opening my eyes, I was welcomed by pure darkness— hurting my eyes a bit, Urgh, what a disgusting smell, I thought after inhaling some air that I thought was fresh— turns out, it smelled like rotted animals were scattered here.

Thankfully, I have a mini flashlight that is attached to my belt. Once I felt the said thing, I quickly snatched it from my belt before turning it on with my shaking hands.


"Aaah!!" What the hell is this?!

The flashlight almost slipped off my grip after seeing a headless corpse in front of me.

Later on, loud sobs started to escape my lips without even me realizing as my legs began to tremble badly, my heart is racing like I've run a thousand mile at the same time.

Later on, the sound of a somewhat sinister laughter boomed not far away from where I stood before I heard someone whispered near my ear, "Welcome to my playground~" it said instantly making me let out an ear piercing scream as my feet began to move on its own.

Since when this kind of place exist in our school? My sobs echoed through to whole place while I light up my way hoping to find an escape.

"How did I even got here?" I muttered to myself as I kept running away, but that's when realization hit me— halting me from running away much more.

I was following a guy when I saw Hana's bracelet lying in front of the room 1997 before it all became black.

Hana's bracelet.

I then started to abruptly search for the bracelet, hoping that I didn't lose it when I run, but before I could even start to explore my pocket, my eyes saw the bracelet wrapped around my wrist, covered with dry blood.

Bewildered, I jumped back in surprise. How did it get in my wrist? But what freaked me out was when I saw something in the back of my hand.


What does that mean?


I'm glad that BigHit had already take action about the death threats that the anti had been sending Jimin.

I just don't get how someone can have the guts to kill someone just because they hate a person.

Room 1997 | J. Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now